Ice cream

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I look at him in confusion and Mark walks out of his room and coughs. I immediately move away.

He clears his throat and laughs. "Let's go lovebirds!" He says as he walks towards the door.

Hearing Mark call us lovebirds felt so wrong and weird. I shouldn't feel that way, we are married!

I walk behind him and head towards the door, Lucas right behind me.

We three walk side by side on the footpath as we head towards the park Mark and Lucas talk about the city as I listen eagerly.

"How did you learn such good Korean, Y/N?" Mark asks as I near our destination.

"I was taught Korean at home from an early age since, well,this marriage was fixed when I was born so I had to learn. I really love the language though. It's beautiful." I reply as I smile at Mark.

"Ahh. That's kinda sad though." Mark says. "I feel sorry for you two." He says as he smiles sadly at both of us.

We look at each other and look at the ground. It's true, it's pretty sad. I only met Lucas once in three to four years when he came to visit with his parents.

We were never that close. We hardly even remembered each other's names before we got married.

"Oh! Here we are." Lucas says in a fake cheerful voice. I look up and see a beautiful open gate in front of me.

"Let's go!" Mark says and we walk into the paradise. It's full of plants and has a stone path through the middle which branches off to various sides.

We walk around and I enjoy the whole trip fully because I love places like these.

"Let's get ice creams!" I say as I spot an ice cream truck. "I want ____ flavour." I say, taking my tiny purse out of my skirt. "Treat is on me."

"All you do is eat or what?" Lucas comments as I look at the two boys. My smile immediately goes away.

"Oh Lucas! Stop being so rude to her! Let's go, Y/N! Lucas you can eat the dirt." Mark says laughing and grabs my hand and runs towards the ice cream truck.

"Don't mind him! He is rude towards everyone!" Mark says as he slows down. He smiles at me and pats my head. "You can eat all you want. We will dance in off later." He winks at me.

I laugh and my smile returns. I feel good with him. I feel safe. I feel at home. I feel .... perfect.

We reach the truck and buy our favourite ice creams. We buy an extra one for Lucas and walk towards the guy who had reached the truck by the time.

"There you go, idiot!" Mark says giving it to him. "Your wife's treat." He says and smiles at me. I giggle. Could this man get any better?

"Now, eat it up before I finish mine and take it from you." Mark says and we decide to sit on the bench.

I sit in the middle and Mark and Lucas sit on either of sides.

We enjoy the beautiful scenery as we eat the cold dessert. Mark sometimes looks at me and smiles, making my heart flutter.

Lucas avoids eye contact and just silently eats.

Hey my sweethearts!!! Vote and comment if you like the chapters.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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