Play me like a violin

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I walk to my office and start working on the drafts. I get lost in the paragraphs and pictures.

After I finish editing the drafts, it's eight o'clock in the evening. I get up from my desk and pack my bags.

"Overtime again?" My co worker asks, walking into the empty office.

I nod and smile. "Overtime again. I need the money, Johnny." I continue packing.

"Could you drop me off on your way home?" He asks and stands,  leaning against the cubicle wall.

"Yeah sure." I say as I take my bag and my water bottle.

"Where is your ring? That small one you always wear?" He asks looking at my hand.

"Oh! That one? I am now free from it's bond." I reply with a wink.

"What bond? At least now tell me why you always wore that ring!" Johnny whines.

"It's a family thing." I reply. "Let's go!" I say as I start walking towards the door.

Johnny follows me. "What happened? Is it something serious?" He asks in a worried voice as we enter the elevator.

"Nah! It's something I don't want to talk about." I reply.

"It's been only four months still you started working here and you have more controversy theories about you than the oldest employee." Johnny says with a laugh.

"I like remaining mysterious." I reply with a smirk.

We get off the elevator and go to my car and get in. As we head towards his place, he asks me again. "Why do you always wear that bracelet?"

I smile and glance at the simple silver bracelet. I look at the road again and say, "Why don't you guess?"

"Aish Y/N! Why are you so secretive?" Johnny asks me, pouting.

I laugh and turn right. I stop the car, "We are here!" I say as I look at him.

"One day Y/N, I will find out about you." Johnny says with a smirk as he gets out.

"Good luck with that!" I say with a wink as he happily waves at me and walks into the house.

I start the car and drive over to my apartment. I park the car and walk towards the elevator.

I check my watch, Nine o'clock. Oh shoot! I am late.

I rush over to the car and get out to the road. I can't believe I forgot. How did I forget?

I drive towards my destination as I keep checking my watch. How could I forget?

I reach the airport and park my car in the parking lot and rush to the arrival section.

I take my phone and dial the number. Please pick up! Please!

The call goes unanswered. I dial once again. The same result.

I look around trying to catch a glimpse of the person I am waiting for.

"Where are you?" I ask in a whisper as I look around. I messed up. I really did.

Please, be here. Please!

What on earth is happening??
The next two chapter are the last chapters of the story.

I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. I loved writing this story. Thank you so much for reading.

I love you guys so much. I hope you liked this weird fantasy of mine. I'll start on the next story soon.

I decided to go with Masked because you guys weren't commenting anything. But, I would love it if you checked out my other stories.

Vote and comment if you like the chapters.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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