Chatroom Avengers x DS x Reader x IronSpider

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

While I'm doing the other requests, here is a small chatroom I wrote to make you laugh.

Hope you'll enjoy =)

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Tony opened a chatroom.

Tony invited his Avengers.

Vision, Rhodey, Natasha, T'Challa logged on.

T'Challa : Why did you invite us to the chat, Stark ?

Tony : To present you the newest addition to the Avengers: Iron Spider!

Iron Spider logged on.

Iron Spider invited Y/N.

Y/N logged on.

Y/N : Hey Peter, I love the new suit.

Vision : Spiderman evolved to Iron Spider.

T'Challa : Wakanda technology did marvels to this kid.

Tony : And my intellect, resources and will.

Iron Spider : Thank you all for this new suit, it's amazing. I really feel like a spider now. I

Y/N : You are great, Peter.

Y/N invited Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Stephen and Scott.

Y/N : What do you think of Peter's new suit?

Natasha : A Metal Spider suit, what an improvement Stark. Are you sure, he's not your child?

Tony : What ? No ! I'm too young to have a kid.

Peter : Mr. Stark is very generous and kind to me. He's like a father figure. I'm very grateful for everything he does for me.

Natasha : Like I said, a son.

Y/N : Aaaw, that is so cute! The name Iron Spider is even more accurate!

Peter : I suppose it is. Do you want to see all the new cool things I can do with it?

Y/N : Yes ! I'm coming over in five.

Steve : Be careful kid to not hurt yourself. The world is bigger than we think and filled with danger and threats.

Clint : Mama Steve is back!

Bucky : Is it the boy who stops my punch with one hand?

Peter : The guy with the awesome metal arm! Hi!

Bucky : Hello.

Bucky logged off.

Peter : Why did he leave?

Sam : He's still processing the facts you stopped his winter soldier punch and thought it was cool to have a metal arm.

Y/N : Well, with his background, he probably didn't have any compliments towards this « weapon » as he calls it.

Steve : I'm going to talk to him.

Steve logged off.

Clint : Mama Steve is watching over her kids! How sweet!

Wanda : Welcome to the Avengers, Peter.

Tony : He's not an Avenger ! .... Yet!

Y/N : What? Why? He's already protecting the city of Queens.

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