Chapter 2:"Waffles"

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Leah's P.O.V.

The whole walk home Alex's eyes were huge. He didn't blink once. His whole body was stiff and I could see a small blush on his cheeks.

"Aren't you going to ask?" Alex suddenly asks out of the blue.

"Should I?" I ask not looking at him, because if I did I know I am going to start laughing.

"I don't know what happened. When we made eye contact I just froze. She had the most beautiful eyes and hair and face and body and ..." I looked up at Alex and he was smiling like a crazy person.

"Do you know her name?" I asked, just to check.

"Yeah, her name is ..."Alex's eyes widen. "Uh ... shit! I don't know her name! Why am I so stupid!?" Alex started to rant.


"I'm so stupid. I didn't even get her number!" Alex continued to rant on.

"I have it!" I yell as hard as I could.

"What?"Alex questioned hopeful.

"Her best friend and I talked. I gave her your number and she gave me Emma's." I informed my dumb brother.

"Emma. Emma. Emma" He repeated her name over and over.

I smiled at my brother as I gave him Emma's number.

He put her number in his phone faster than lighting.

Both of us just smiled as we walked back home.

His so cute.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When we got home I went straight to my room. I left my phone at home when we went to the park. I missed it.

Haha I sound crazy.

As I reached for my phone on my bedside table, it started to ring. I answered it immediately, because I knew exactly who it was.


"Hi!" Jenny chirped into the phone.

"Ugh ... what do you want?" I asked her, just to annoy her.

"Wow, I'm feeling the love." Jenny fake cried. I could just imagine her wiping fake tears.

"Jokes, I love you!" I yelled.

"I know. I love you too." Jenny said.

There was a moment of complete silence.

"Jen, are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine. It's just that ..." Jenny trailed off.

"What? Jen?" I'm really starting to feel nervous here.

"Ty and I ... we broke up." Jen sounded upset, but surprisingly not as upset as I would've thought.

"Jen? Are you okay? You need me to come over? Do you wanna come over? Do you need anything? I can do anything, just tell me! I'm dying here!"

I always rant when I don't know what to say. Especially when the situation involves love or break ups.

"Yeah, I am fine. But do you mind if I come over? My parents are home." Jenny asked hopeful.

Jen's parents don't get along very well. And by 'very well' I mean not at all.

"Yes of course Jen. Should I invite Kyla?" Kyla is the final third of our circel.

"Yeah sure."

"Great. See you in five."

Jen and Ky showed up within 5 minutes. The night was spend talking about boys, mostly Alex Pettyfer *YEAH HIM*, watching TV, pranking Al and not sleeping.

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