Chapter 45:"I wonder what he is thinking."

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Leah's P.O.V.

So it has been exactly two weeks since Noah and I broke up. And my heart still hurts, a lot. I can't get his hurt expression of that night out of my mind. I keep seeing it every time I close my eyes. Every time my mind isn't occupied I see his beautiful yet sorrow face. It is very hard seeing him every day here at school. He is in my English class.

He is literally sitting two rows in front of me and I can't stop looking at him. I feel drawn to him and I don't like it. I want to forget what happened between us, momentarily. I want to forget everything. Every feeling I felt (more like feel) for him. I want to forget the feeling he gave me when he would tough me. I want to forget what it felt like to look into his green eyes. But most of all I want to forget what his lips felt like on mine. Their softness yet firmness. And the way they could make me forget what my fucking name is.

No I lied. What I want to forget the most is that night. The night we first... you know.

I sigh as I close my eyes trying so hard not to look at him. But just as I close them Noah appears in front of me. I want to open my eyes again but I can't. I imagine him walking toward me, smiling. I feel a small smile grow on my face as I look him up and down.

My eyes shoot open in shock as a book gets slammed down onto my desk.

I look up at my teacher. A sheepish smile appears on my face as she stares down at me with anger.

"Leah. Are you sleeping in my class?" She asks lifting her pencil-drawn eyebrow.

"Um... no, Miss." I stumble over my words as I feel every single eye on me. It is weird but I can sense Noah's eyes on me more than anyone else's eyes.

"Well, then listen and don't close your eyes." My teacher says as she walks to the front of the class again.

A sigh leaves my mouth as I catch Noah's electric green eyes. A small smile appears on his face as he looks at me. He turns back to the front of the class as my teacher starts to speak. But I keep looking at him.

I wonder what he is thinking.

I sigh once again as I tear my eyes away from him and try to focus on what my teacher says. But obviously I can't.

I only hear the word 'project' and my heart stops.


I completely forgot about that stupid fucking project.

What am I going to do? I have to think of an excuse. Shit! Fuck!

Shit fuck!

I feel panic take over me as I start looking around me. My teacher's mouth is moving so I know she is saying something. But what? That is the million dollar question?

As I look at her she makes eye contact with me and my heart starts beating rapidly against my ribcage. I feel my mouth go dry as my mind goes wild trying to think of an excuse.
She starts collecting the projects from my fellow students. I can sense how close she is to me and I feel my whole body heat up.

She stops next to me and I look at her with wild eyes. She doesn't notice and she holds out her hand for the project, still speaking to the class.

All English words leave my brain and I forget how to speak. My mouth is open as if I am talking but no sounds come out.

My teacher looks confused as she opens her mouth to probably ask where my project is. Or why I look like a dying fish gaping at her.

But she gets cut off by a big hand placing the project in her hands.

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