Chapter 35: "Excuse me?"

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Leah's P.O.V.

Alex is being released from the hospital today and I am currently making my way toward the hospital. I don't know where we will be living, because he can't also live with the Clarks. That's too much to ask of them. But I still haven't told them that I'm moving back to our house.

It sucks, because I really don't want to leave. I've build up some great friendships with them. But I don't have a choice; I couldn't ask them if Alex can stay with us too. They've already done so much for me.

As I turn the corner to Alex's room my heart leaps.

He is finally coming home.

I enter his room and am enveloped in a big bear hug. I hug Alex back with a smile on my face. When he releases me I see a huge grin on his face that makes me chuckle.

"Are you excited to leave?" I ask sarcastically with a giggle. Alex merely rolls his eyes and grabs his duffle bag from the bed. We make our way toward my car in the parking lot before starting the drive back home.

The car is silent as we drive but I don't mind, because it's a comfortable silence.

Suddenly Alex's voice reaches my ears," How's Dad doing?"

A small smile appears on my face as I quickly glance at Alex.

"He-he is doing very well." I say as I turn the corner.

I hear a big sigh of relief from Alex.

"Wanna go see him?" I ask glancing at Alex again. He merely nods and leans his head on the cold window of the car.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"How are you doing, Dad?" Alex asks our dad with a worried expression on his face. Dad grabs his hand and squeezes it before responding.

"I'm doing great, Alex. I promise."

A small smile appears on my face at the scene in front of me but it disappears when images of my mother flash in my head.

I remember when she told me she was 'doing great'. I was sitting on chair next to her bed and holding both of her hands. I was crying my heart out after Anthony dumped me. He did it in quite a horrible way, he literally told me in front of the whole school.

She told me that she will always be there for me. She told me she was doing great and that she will never leave me. But look now, she isn't here anymore. She wasn't doing great, she wasn't even doing well. The cancer had spread even more and she was 100% dying.

The scene was exactly the same as the one in front of me right now. But I had a strange feeling that dad wasn't lying.

Dad looked up at me with a small smile on his weak face. I smiled back at him, still leaning against the doorframe.

"Alex, why don't you go buy some coffee?" Dad smiled back at Alex next to him. Alex nodded and walked toward me. I gave him some money and he disappeared.

"How are you holding up?" Dad asked me as I made my way toward him. I sat down on the chair and grabbed my dad's hands.

"I should ask you the same." I state smiling up at him.

Dad chuckled shaking his head a little.

Suddenly his chuckling stopped and he looked straight at me.

"I know you were angry at me for not wanting to waste our money." He says swallowing hard with a serious expression on his face.

"Dad I'm sorry. It was and still is your decision." I say squeezing his hands.

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