Chapter 31: "To be continued"

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Leah's P.O.V.

I did sleep over at Noah's house but don't worry we didn't share a bed. I kind of wish we did but Noah said that he wanted to give me my privacy and I think that's cute. So I slept in their guest room and I must say that the bed is amazing. It's so comfortable. I did call Alex last night to tell him that I'm at Noah's and I told him everything that happened, not everything only Thomas cheating on me. He was furious. He yelled so hard into the phone that I had to take it away from my ear.

"That piece of s-"Alex yelled on the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear, squeezing my eyes as if that will soften his voice.

When I didn't hear anything coming from the phone anymore I placed it against my ear again.

"Alex?" I questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I had to take a deep breath before I completely lost it." Alex says with a big sigh.

So anyway, I am currently laying on my back in the comfortable bed, staring at the ceiling. I can't believe what Noah went through when he was only 5 years old. It's terrible and I wish that I could've helped him or made him feel better.

I slowly look away from the ceiling towards the door. As I get up from the bed a big yawn escapes my mouth. I don't even bother putting my hand in front of my mouth.

I open the door quietly so that I don't wake up Noah. I make my way toward the bathroom.

As I push open the bathroom door, I stopped dead in my tracks. There in front of me stood Noah with only a towel hanging loosely around his waist.

His hair damp and the longer of his hair hung over his face. As my eyes travel down his body I see droplets of water shining on his tattooed arms and torso. I look up at his face again to check if he saw me staring but then my eye catches droplets from his hair rolling down onto his toned torso and then gliding over his pecks and six-pack until they finally roll down his toned v-cut disappearing under the towel. I merely stand just looking at him. When suddenly Noah looks up, glancing at me. When he notices what I've been doing he smirks at me.

"Do you want me to get you a towel to wipe the drool away?" Noah asks still smirking.

My eyes widen and I do the only thing I can think of, I ran. I run straight to my room and threw the door closed. With a crazy beating heart and sweaty palms, I walk toward the closet for a fresh change of clothes. As I open the dresser's drawer I feel a chill go down my spine. So I turn around just to be met with the same smirking Noah.

My eyes go wide, again, and I freeze in place. I drop the clothes I was holding. Noah's eyes flicker for a split second to the clothes on the floor.

Noah has changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt. He is still standing in the door way toward the guestroom looking at me with eyes full of amusement. Suddenly he tilts his head to the right.

"I think you should wear that outfit more often." Noah said gesturing to my body. I look down and notice for the first time that I'm wearing only a towel.

Oh shit! I changed in the guestroom to spare time in the bathroom. How did I not notice till now?

I slide my tongue across my teeth in irritation before retreating, "And I think that you should take a picture of your smirk, print it and put it on a shirt, because you wear that more than anything." I smile sweetly.

Noah smiles before saying," I'll take that into consideration, Sailor."

He stares at my face with a smile for a moment when suddenly his eyes start trailing down the length of my body. Now it's my turn to smirk.

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