Chapter 41:"It's unfair"

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This chapter has a scene that may be a little too explicit for younger readers. 

SO this is a disclaimer: READ AT OWN RISK!!

Thank you!! Enjoy the chapter

Leah's POV

I sit staring at Noah with a dumbfounded expression on my face. His words repeating in my head every few seconds. I don't know how I feel.

My eyebrows furrow as I look down toward my shoes. I feel Noah's gaze on me but I cannot bring myself to look at him.

I know how I feel now, I'm beyond hurt.

I don't get why he didn't just tell me. Yes, I would've been sad and everything but at least I would've been prepared.

"Sailor?" Noah's voice brings me back from my thoughts.

I don't look at him or even answer him; I open the truck's door and step outside.

I slam my door behind me and start walking not even noticing the pouring rain. The tears running down my cheeks melt with the cold rain falling down onto me. I don't even bother wiping at them. I'm so deep in thought that I don't even hear the truck's door slam shut behind me and the quick footsteps coming toward me.

"Sailor! Leah!" Noah using my actual name grabs my attention very quickly. It sounds foreign coming from his lips. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around slowly. I don't know if it is my hesitation keeping me from looking Noah in his eyes or the pouring rain. But frankly I don't care.

Noah stops immediately when he notices my expression. I faintly hear him sigh through the rain.

"Leah, please. Come back to the truck so that we can talk." Noah says in a pleading manner.

I slowly shake my head no with a bitter smile on my face. Noah's eyebrows furrow at my action.

I turn around and start walking away from him, not looking back. I hear his footsteps coming closer toward me and suddenly I feel his cold hand wrap around my wrist. I quickly pull away from his hold and turn to face his soaking wet body.

His facial expression is one of guilt and regret. Noah and I just stare at each other for a few seconds before I finally open my mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yell above the pouring rain.

Noah breaks our eye contact and looks at his wet sneakers. When he looks up again his expression changed to one of sorrow and when he speaks his voice is just above a whisper, but I heard every word he said.

"I was scared that when I told you it would become too real. Too real for me to handle, because that means I have to leave you and I don't want to do that."

I swallow at his words, because I understand where he is coming from but still, that is not a decision for him to make without me. It's unfair.

"That was not your decision to make, Noah!" I yell at him with furrowed eyebrows. I feel a shiver go down my spine making me fully realize that we are standing in ice cold rain arguing.

"I know that. Leah, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time, Noah!" I yell shaking my head slowly. I turn around again starting to make my way home or where I think home is.

"Leah, get in the truck! You can't walk all the way!" Noah yells at my retreating figure.

I don't acknowledge him or his words as I continue forward. With every step I feel even colder and I think it is because of the cold rain continuously falling on my body and the thought of Noah leaving within two weeks. I understand why he didn't tell me but that was still wrong and inconsiderate of him. That was not his decision to make.

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