Chapter 30:"I just want you to know that I'm here for you."

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The gif above is just to give you guys an idea of some of Noah's tattoos.

Leah's P.O.V.

When I don't see Thomas' house anymore the tears start falling. I wipe at my eyes to try to see the road but I can't stop. I can't stop thinking about Thomas doing exactly what I told him I hated most and thinking about Thomas on top of Kyla. And Kyla. How could she do this to me? She was one of my best friends ever. One of the girls I trusted with my life. And Noah, I can't believe I thought he lied to me about this. I'm so stupid.

I decided to go to Noah's house again to apologize. He deserves that.

When I pull up the driveway it's about 6 p.m. at night. I walk slowly toward the front door wiping away my tears and trying to look less red. I don't think it worked.

I knocked on the door with a shaking hand. I stand waiting for a few seconds before the door opens revealing Noah. His smiling face turns into one laced with worry. I take a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears.

"Sailor, what happened?" Noah asks in a soft voice calming me down already.

My eyes begin to tear up and I fall into his arms. Noah stiffens for a few seconds before relaxing and wrapping his arms tightly around me. I let the tears pour down my face. With every sob that escapes my mouth Noah's arms wrap tighter.

"Thomas. He- was with..." I try to explain but I can't get a single sentence out without a sob. Noah only shushes me and rubs his big hands over my back, soothing me.

Noah leads me toward the kitchen. He sits me down on one of the stools behind the island in the middle of the kitchen. I take deep shaky breathes trying to calm myself down. I don't even bother wiping my tears anymore, what's the point.

Noah turns back around and hands me a bottle of water and I take it before thanking him with a nod. After taking a sip, I place the bottle down on the counter and look up at Noah with watery eyes. He locks eyes with me and sighs.

"I know it's not going to help if I say I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'm here for you." Noah says with a gentle smile. I smile back at him.

"I know." I say in a voice just above a whisper.

Noah takes a seat opposite from me before pursing his lips. He looks down at my hands holding the bottle of water and then back up at me.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He questions gently.

I take a deep breath trying to control my tears. Just thinking about what happened makes me want to cry again.

"Um... I went to Thomas' house to ask him about what you said. And... And I heard strange noises coming from upstairs, so I went up to... you know. Anyway, I saw him on top of K- Kyla." I say sniffing and wiping away a stray tear that escaped.

Noah takes a sharp intake of breath and when I glance at his hands on the counter I see they are clenched. He closes his eyes before raising his head up like he is looking at the ceiling.

"I shouldn't have said anything." Noah's voice reaches my ears. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" I ask waiting for him to repeat what he said, because I swear I heard it wrong.

"I shouldn't have said anything." Noah repeats his sentence with a sigh. He opens his eyes letting his head fall down, locking eyes with me.

I shake my head before taking one of his hands in my own.

"I would rather know that he is- was cheating on me than being with him and not know." I say squeezing his hand and smiling reassuringly at him.

Noah's eyes fall onto my hand holding his before smiling a small one. He looks up again at me.

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