Chapter 34:" I pity you. I really do."

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Leah's P.O.V

The idiot I am, I thought that today was going to be fun and stress-free. Boy was I wrong. I can't remember, now that I think about it, a day without drama and pain. Anyway, Noah and I are currently driving toward school. He is driving and I'm talking to myself. That's so normal.

Noah parks the car and we make our way toward our friends. As we walk past the crowds I notice that girls are giving me deadly glares. When we pass this one group of girls, I can tell are younger than us, I hear a girl whisper to her friends," Why are they even walking together? I mean, look at her. She's not even pre-"

She couldn't finish her sentence, because I cut her.

"Excuse me? Mind saying that to my face" I say with my eyebrows lifted. The girl's eyes widen as those words leave my mouth. Her mouth opens and closes a few times before I turn again and walk with Noah.

As we walk I suddenly hear a small chuckle from Noah. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows and see that he has a small smile on his face.

"What's so funny?"

Noah shakes his head a little before glancing at me," The expression on her face was funny."

The image of the girl's face enters my mind and a giggle escapes my lips before I know it. I look up at Noah again and see him already looking at me with small smile on his face.

I smile back and force myself to look away.

When we finally reach our friends we greet them. I can tell that all of them want to know why Noah and I drove to school together. I just start talking about anything trying to get their minds off of it.

When suddenly I feel a hand on my elbow. I turn around and come face to face with the one person I truly didn't expect to see. My heart drops to my feet and my palms go sweaty.

Here standing in front of me is Thomas.

He doesn't look to good after what Noah did to him. His face is covered in bruises and his right eye is swollen. Underneath his white shirt I see a bandage wrapped around his stomach. His eyes are red and look very dry. But that's good, he deserves it. He deserves everything that comes to him.

I pull my arm away from him and take a step back. My eyebrows furrow at the hurt expression on his face.

"What the fuck do you want?" I question growing even more irritated by the second.

Thomas makes eye contact with me before speaking in a tired voice," I just want to talk."

Before I can respond with a 'no', I feel a shadow behind me and I immediately know that it's Noah. His figure is towering over me from behind and I see a flash of fear in Thomas' eyes but it disappears just as quickly as it came.

Thomas looks up at Noah and glares at him, hard.

"Alone." Thomas states through clenched teeth. Thomas challenges Noah with his expression and I feel anger and hatred radiating from Noah's body. Before he can jump Thomas, I turn around and look up at him.

"I want answers." I simply state before slowly turning around and walking past Thomas. Thomas quickly follows behind me until I come to a stop.

I make eye contact with Thomas with a serious expression on my face.


Thomas breaks our eye contact, shaking his head a little. When he lifts his head again his expression reads guilt and sorrow, clearly.

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