Chapter 10:"You have no idea"

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Leah's P.O.V.

So we did have McDonald's for breakfast that morning if you were wondering. But none of that matters now. Ever since that weekend Noah has been acting strange, but in a good way. Every time Al and I went to go visit Dad, he would always tag along. And every time he would spend a little time after Alex and I left with Dad. I really wonder what they are talking about.

I am currently sitting in History with Stevie right next to me. We are learning about World War 2 and Hitler. So what happened was that he was crazy and wanted to rule the whole world, so he began this group called the Nazi's and ... wait you probably don't give a shit, right?

Don't worry, I understand.

The bell rang indicating that it is finally lunch. Stevie and I walk to the cafeteria together.

"Do you have any idea just how boring my life is?" Stevie asks me, grabbing my attention.

I look at her," Come on, it can't be that uneventful." I say rolling my eyes at her. Stevie gives me a death glare and huffs.

"You have no idea." She says walking faster.

I shake my head smiling.

I finally make it to the cafeteria and take my seat. I greet everyone at the table.

I sit down next to Jen in my seat. She turns toward me smiling.

"Hi Hun. How's it goin?" She says looking really happy. I lift my eyebrow at her suspiciously.

"It is going fine and with you?" I ask with narrow eyes toward her. Her smile only grows.

"It is going great. No! Fantastic! No! Great!" She practically screams at me. My eyes go wide and my hands shield my ears from Jen's loud rant.

"Why are you holding your ears?" Noah takes a seat next to me. I look at him while removing my hands from my ears.

"Jen was yelling about how happy ... No! Fantastic! No! Great! She is." I say mocking Jenny. Her head turns toward me with a scowl. I mock scowl back at her. She looks away and continuous talking to Ethan. I look toward Noah again. He has an amusing facial expression while laughing at me.

"What?" I ask him laughing as well.

"Nothing. You're just really cute." Noah says, his laughter dialling down.

I smile," You think I'm cute?"

Noah's head snaps toward me and he has a little blush going on.

"Well, yeah."

Now it's my turn to blush and I look away quickly mumbling a 'thank you'.

"L, how's it going with your dad?" Ethan asks from the other side of Jenny.

I look at him and say hopeful," It is going good. I just hope it will continue to go good."

"That is good to hear. I'm sure he will be his old self in no time." Ethan responds with a smile.

I smile at him.

Lunch goes by faster then I would've liked and I'm making my way toward my Math class. Noah comes up behind me and grabs my forearm. I turn around to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Noah's voice is very serious.

"Because I don't want them to worry." I say truthfully.

"I can understand that. Are you and Al going to see him tonight?" I nod.

"I'll be at your house at five." Noah says walking away leaving me no time to respond.

Luckily school goes by fast and I'm waiting for Alex outside the school.

My eyes roam over every person on the school grounds. I look from the 'band geeks' to the cheerleaders. As my eyes roam the cheerleaders I spot the one cheerleader I hate the most in this world.


I don't like her because of a very long story that I don't have the time or energy to speak of now.

I watch her walk across the parking lot toward Noah.


My eyes go wide and my chest gets this weird feeling I never felt before.

She reaches Noah and touches his arm while leaning close to his face but I can't quite see Noah's face. I look away quickly before one of my veins pop.

Alex finally arrives and I sigh in relief.

"Miss me that much?" Alex asks while chuckling.

"You have no idea."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Noah arrives at my house at five and I lead him into the living room.

"We're just waiting on Alex." I state while taking a seat on the couch. Noah nods and takes the seat next to mine. The TV playing Black Sails. Noah chuckles so I look at him.


Noah shakes his head and simply states," Black Sails."

I furrow my eyebrows about to ask what he meant when Alex yells that he is ready. Noah gets up from the couch and walks toward the front door. I shake my head and walk after him. The three of us drive to the hospital for what feels like the hundredth time. Nobody ever talked during these rides for some odd reason; the only sound is the radio. We arrive at the hospital and Noah parks the car. We walk inside and to the elevator. As we walk down the white hall toward Dad's room I'm reminded of the last time I walked toward Mom's room. I shake my head trying to get those images out of my head.

We arrive at Dad's room and walk in. He doesn't look good. He looks almost as bad as Mom did. His eyes are shut, but you can still see the dark bags under his eyes. His lips are dry and his skin pale. Dad's hair is no longer the shiny brown it used to be. Dad's eyes open slowly. His dry lips slowly turn into a small smile as he sees us.

"Hi Dad."

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Heyy there hot tea!!

Thanks so much for reading.

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I had an idea and I would like to know what you guys think.

Do you guys think I should write a chapter or two in Noah's P.O.V.??

Because I think it would be really fun!!

What do you guys think is going on with Noah and Jade?? *Wink wink*

And I updated my first author's note .. so you guys can go look at the what I imagine Leah and Noah would look like.

DrowningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon