Chapter 23:" It's not what you can do for me, but for someone else."

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Okay, so I just want to take a moment to thank a very wonderful and amazing human being. I just want to thank you so much for all your support in me writing this story and helping me better it. 

Thank you so much @Silent_queen98

You are amazing!!

Now that that's out of the way,, enjoy!!

Leah's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to be met with a burning light killing my eyes. I close my eyes as fast as lightning. I attempt to open them again and this time I can actually open them fully. I look around the living room. We fell asleep on the couches watching Black Sails last night. I look to my left toward the lazy boys and see that Alex is still asleep but Noah is nowhere to be seen. I get up to go to the bathroom. As I turn the corner I see Noah sitting on a stool in front of the kitchen island (In the kitchen). He is holding a cup of coffee and just staring at the fridge in front of him, not moving, except for the rise and fall of his chest.

I make my way toward him slowly. As I approach him he either doesn't notice or doesn't care to look at me. Both hurt a little. I walk past him toward the fridge for a bottle of water. I grasp the fridge door handle and pull it open. When my hand wraps around the bottle, Noah's voice reaches me.

"Tell me about your dad."

I slowly turn around to be met with his worried eyes. I sigh and look toward the floor. When I'm about to speak, Noah cuts me off.

"Don't look at the floor. Look at me." He demands.

I slowly look up at him.

"Why?" I question.

"Just cause." Noah responds leaning back in his chair. I swallow my nerves before speaking.

"He is an amazing dad. I love him so much. But sometimes I hate him so fucking much."

"Why?" Noah asks in a very calm voice, staring at me with such intensity.

I bite my bottom lip, saying," Because when my mother died he isolated himself from everyone and everything. He would spend weeks on end in his office and we wouldn't see him for weeks. And when he finally came out of his fucking office, we were almost as we were before, happy. Then he got diagnosed with cancer. He was still the same, or so I thought."
I look down at the floor with a sigh.

"Why isn't he the same?" Noah questions still looking at me.

I look him in his eyes, saying," He told Al and me that he doesn't have enough money to continue chemo."

Noah's face doesn't even change as those words leave my mouth. Not any emotion on his face.

"I'm sorry." Noah finally states.

"Thanks." I state walking toward the kitchen door.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Noah's P.O.V.

The words Leah told me rang in my head over and over again. I can't believe her dad is doing this. He is all they have left and now ... now he just wants to die. I mean, I get it. He is in pain and they do struggle with the costs of his chemo but still. This affects his family too. It is kind of selfish if you ask me but I get what he is saying.

He would rather die than 'waste' money. It's not really a waste if it could save a life.

Leah just left the kitchen and I feel like an ass. She just told me what happened and I could tell she wanted to share more but all I did was say 'I'm sorry'? Really? Idiot, fucking idiot. I didn't know what to say or do. I was thinking of an idea that could help them.

I jump up from the stool and make my way toward the door. I run toward the front door and jump in my car. I drive toward my house. When I arrive I make my way toward my dad's office. I knock on the wood door and hear a muffled 'come in' a second later.

My dad is sitting behind his huge-ass desk, talking on the phone. When I enter the room he looks up and when he sees me he smiles wide. I smile back. He lifts his index finger, indicating he's almost done. I nod and take a seat on one of the chairs opposite him. He is very engrossed in the conversation at hand. He talks for a little while on the phone until he clicks the screen on his phone and places it on his desk facing down. He looks up at me with a smile.

"Hi, kiddo. " He says folding his hands on his lap.

I smile at him before saying," Hi Dad."

"What can I do for you?" He questions leaning back in his chair.

I lean forward in my chair to grab his attention, and it sure did, because he lifts his eyebrow at me.

I chuckle before saying," It's not what you can do for me, but for someone else."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Leah's P.O.V.

After I went to the bathroom I made my way toward the living room again. Alex is still fast asleep on the couch. He is indeed snoring and it is indeed irritating me. I grasp a throw pillow off the couch next to me and launch it toward Alex. It is called a 'throw' pillow for a reason. It hits Al square in his face and he kicks his feet out and flails his arms around which causes him to fall of the couch. I burst out laughing; I almost come crashing to the floor. When my laughter dials down I look up to see if he is okay. Just as I'm looking Alex's head pops out from behind the couch causing me to burst out again. I am practically rolling on the floor with laughter. I whip the tears from my eyes getting up from the floor.

When I look at Al he has this 'I hate you' look on his face.

"Fuck off." Alex's cold voice reaches me.

I try to hold back my laughter but it doesn't work and I burst out with laughter again ... again.

Alex lets out a breath of frustration and pushes past me, standing in the doorway. He stomps his feet on the wood floors sounding like an elephant. I follow him to the kitchen.

"Oh come on, Al. It's funny." I say trying my best not to picture it in my head again, I will laugh.

"No, it's not." Alex says turning around and looking at me like a disappointed parent.

I walk slowly toward him with a puppy face, mocking him.

"Aw is the big strong Alex Anderson embarrassed?" I question pinching his cheeks.

He grabs my wrists, holding me in place before looking me square in my eyes.

"No, I'm not." He releases my wrists and I pout.

"Fine. So what are you doing today?" I question, changing the topic.

Alex sighs and looks at the door.

"I'm- umm ... I'm going to Emma?" He says this not looking at me.

I narrow my eyes.

"Okay." I reply slowly. He is definitely lying to me. But why?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Heyy there hot tea!!

Thanks for reading.

I know this isn't one of my best chapters but at least I tried, right? Right?

Okay, so I have been thinking about my characters and I'm not seeing Leah as Madison Beer anymore (crying) so I want to know as who do you imagine her. 

I'm really curious.

Anyway ... please remember to vote, comment,share and follow me.    

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