Chapter 21:"Emotionless face"

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Just look how cute Thomas is. Above^

Noah's P.O.V.

"About what?" Jade questioned, leaning in to kiss my neck.

As her lips made contact with my neck, a shiver went down my spine. And not the good kind.

I gently push her off of me by her shoulders.

"I think we should talk in private." I state looking at the annoying fuckers staring at us from the living room. Jade follows my line of sight and rolls her eyes.

"Fine." She says, grabbing my hand and dragging me toward her room. I actually wanted to go to my room, but okay.

Jade makes it inside before me and I close the door behind me. But as I turn around to look at her, she pushes me against the door and before I know what's happening her lips are on mine. I am so shocked I don't do anything at first but when my mind finally realizes what is happening my hands shoot up toward her shoulders. I push her off of me. Jade stumbles back and look at me with confusion evident on her made up face.

"What's wrong, Baby?" Jade questions as her hand reaches toward my cheek. I grab her hand and I look her square in the eyes.

"Jade, I'm really sorry but I can't do this anymore." I say hoping she got the point, because I really don't want to spell it out for her.

Jade's confused expression changes into one of anger as she registers my words.

"What? Are you breaking up with me?!" Her voice reaches my ears. It sounds like a witch screaming in one of those ... those ... goddamn ... those dumb fucking movies. You know what I mean.

"Yes." I simply state reaching my hand toward the doorknob.

Jade turns around and walks toward her window. I furrow my eyebrows, because I thought she was going to rip my eyes out. I swallow before asking," Jade? Are you okay?"

"I'm- I'm fine." Jade's voice comes out strained and it sounds as if she is crying.

I sigh and bite my bottom lip.

Shit. What should I do?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. As I'm about to say something, Jade's voice cuts me off.

"It's Leah, isn't it?"

My eyes snap open and I stare at her back.

"What do you mean?" I ask carefully.

Jade laughs one of bitterness, turning around.

"You know exactly what I mean?" Jade says looking me in my eyes.

I swallow, not knowing what to say.

Jade sighs walking toward her closet and opening the doors, my eyes following her every move.

"What are you doing?" I question looking at her dragging her suitcase toward the closet.

"I'm packing." Jade states doing just that.

I make my way toward her, sitting on the floor in front of the closet. I bend down and sit next to her. I see she is folding her thousands of shirts as I chuckle to me, but she hears it. Her head snaps toward me," Why are you laughing?"

I shake my head before saying," Nothing. It's just that you have a fuck load of shirts."

Jade smiles weakly, looking at the floor in front of her.

She doesn't say anything else and continues packing her shirts.

I sigh and busy myself with folding her pants.

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