Chapter 36: "Let's go eat"

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Leah's P.O.V.

"You heard what I said." Noah states slowly closing his eyes. When I don't respond he opens his eyes and immediately catches mine.

"I like you, Leah. And I didn't know how to tell you." He sighs after speaking. He holds our eye contact and I can't look away. Something changes in his eyes as I turn around fully to face him.

The anger I felt merely a few minutes ago is gone. Completely disappeared.

Noah takes a step toward me with every sentence he speaks, still holding my eyes captive.

"Sailor, I don't know what it is about you but-but I can't stop thinking about you."

He takes a step forward.

"The way you smile and laugh is permanently engraved in my mind."

He takes another step.

"I can't grasp the idea that you don't see just how gorgeous you are. Sailor, you are beautiful." Another step.

"I like the way you care about everyone even if you don't like them. And I like the way you don't care what anyone thinks of you, you're just yourself."

Another step.

"I'm not really sure how to feel about it but something about just makes me feel like I can't live without you."

And before I know it, Noah stands in front of me. I look up at his eyes that remind me of the green of the grass escaping the cold of the winter snow on the last day of winter. He looks down at me with darkened eyes holding so much passion.

Noah leans his head down a little before whispering, "I can't stop thinking about you and-and I don't know what to do about it."

My breath gets caught in my throat and my heart starts beating rapidly.

Noah's hands reach up to my face and cups my cheeks. I swallow the lump in my throat as Noah leans down even further. I watch his face carefully as he moves, replaying everything he told me before and everything he did for me. Everything he did and said to make me happy.

Noah's eyes close and I close my eyes too, waiting for the feel of his lips on mine. But it never comes. My eyes snap open when I don't feel Noah's hands on my face anymore. With my eyes wide, I see him standing across the room with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. He stands with his side toward me.

I lick my lips, dampening them. I look toward the floor biting my bottom lip and closing my eyes.

At the sound of Noah's sigh, my eyes open. Our eyes lock as he stares at me with such intensity my face turns red. He keeps eye contact with me and I see him contemplating something in his head.

"Noa-"I begin to say but I'm cut of abruptly by Noah turning around fully and taking big strides toward me.

Noah grabs my face with his hands and smashes his lips against mine. Noah moves his lips against mine beautifully as all thoughts escape my mind. All I'm thinking about is Noah. The kiss isn't a closed mouth-kiss; it is an exploring-kiss. His tongue is toying with mine as a small moan pushes past my lips. I try to control myself but find it very hard. With my hands on his stomach I feel his abs tighten with every move he makes. He pushes me gently backward until my back hits the door.

Noah's kiss is like nothing I've ever experienced. Anthony's kisses weren't like this. They were good; don't get me wrong, but nothing like this. Noah has this possessiveness about his lips but not in a scary way, in a sweet way.

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