Chapter 11:" Why does it look like penguins are wearing tuxes?"

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Leah's P.O.V.

"Why does it look like penguins are wearing tuxes?" Ethan asks out of the blue at lunch. I look up at him.

"Because why not. They want to be fancy, let them be fancy."

Ethan merely smiles at me and the conversation takes another turn. Today has been an okay day. I mean nothing good or bad have happened, yet. There is one thing bugging me and that is that Noah is not at the table.

I wonder where he is.

Just as I think this the cafeteria door opens and in walks Noah. My heart leaps but instantly deflates when I see who follows behind him. It's Jade. Jade kisses him on the cheek and strolls of to her group. Noah makes his way toward us and I can definitely see what they did. Noah's hair is messy and his lips plump and full. His face is also a little red.

If you can't read between the lines, they had sex.

The moment I realize this, my heart hurts. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel this thumping in my heart. A feeling I have never felt before, not even with Anthony. Why does he have to sleep with Jade? I mean, if you really have this need to have sex, at least sleep with any other girl on earth.

Noah sits down next to me and greets happily," Hi Sailor."

I merely nod his way.

"Are you okay?" Noah questions with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm fine." I respond with a small smile. Why am I even upset? He can sleep with whoever he wants to. It's fine.

Noah nods, but eyes me suspiciously.

Throughout lunch Noah and I don't talk as much as usual, I don't know why. So when the bell rang I couldn't be out of there faster.

The day dragged on and I'm finally waiting for Alex in the parking lot. As I'm looking for him, my eyes fall on Noah and Jade, again.

That feeling is back again.

Her hands are all over him and her face is so close to his. Every second I watch them the angrier I get. Luckily Al arrives quickly and we walk home.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I wake up in an okay mood. I still remember that feeling from yesterday. I can't seem to forget it. Or stop feeling it every time I think of Noah and Jade together.

I drag my feet toward my bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I get changed in a grey crop top, black jeans, my black high heel boots and I pull my hair up in a messy bun, because my hair goes all crazy when I don't dry it.

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