Chapter 27: "Good luck, Noah."

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Noah's P.O.V.

"Yeah! Oh... God. Yeah!" the female voice reaches my ears.

I know it's not a good thing what I'm doing here but why not?

I mean, if Leah can get a fucking boyfriend after I told her how I felt why can't I fuck a girl?

The only problem is that I can't get Leah out of my head. Every time this girl has kissed me, I pictured it as Leah. And also other stuff. Why did she have to say yes to Thomas? She knows how I feel about her but she still said yes. I'm just gonna have to forget about her, because she clearly has forgot about me. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear my name.

"Noah?" The girl on top of me asks.

I look up at her with wide eyes and clear my throat," Yes. Yeah. Why?"

Her eyebrows furrow as she looks down at my 'area' and then looks up at me face again. So I glance down and notice that I'm not hard anymore.

"I'm sorry. I just-"I begin to apologize but she cuts me off.

"Its okay, Noah. I get it." She says getting of me and making her way toward her clothes.

"You're distracted. It's fine." She says with a small smile getting clothed.

I sigh putting on my boxers. When I'm done I fall back on my bed releasing a huge breath. The girl sits next to my leg on the bed and sighs.

When I look up at her, her face holds an expression of worry. Her eyes narrow when we make eye contact.

"What's her name?" She asks still with narrow eyes.

"What?" I ask shocked at her sudden question.

She shakes her head with a small smile on her face before saying," There is a girl you can't stop thinking about. And I'm asking what her name is?"

My eyebrows furrow as I register her words. How did she know? Am I that transparent?

I sigh before responding," Leah. Her name is Leah."

She nods her head slowly.

"And you love her?" She questions making my eyes go wide.

"No. No. I just like her a lot." I respond a bit too quickly.

"Okay, so why aren't you together?" Her question makes me think.

Why aren't we together? Well, for one Leah has a boyfriend. And I don't think she really likes me back. I mean, I told her how I felt and she didn't do anything about it. She made me believe that she likes me too and when I wanted to do something about that she shows up with a boyfriend.

"She has a boyfriend." I simply state not wanting to go into details.

The girl nods her head again before responding," Did you start liking her before she had a boyfriend?"

I nod my head slowly.

"Then why didn't you ask her out back then?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows and a frown on her mouth.

"Because... I had a girlfriend."

She lets out a little laugh at my respond.

"Why?"She asks.

I don't know if I should tell her. I mean, I've known her for like 3 hours. And now she asks me personal questions. I don't know if I should answer her. But on the other hand, she does really seem intrigued. And it's not like I'm ever going to see her again. And I have nothing to lose.

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