Chapter Ten

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        My POV

        "I can't believe that just happened." I say quietly as Adam starts up the car. 

        My dad had just left. He had found out that I was in Boston, from my profile on Facebook. He took the trip from Canada just to see me again.        

        "You okay?" Adam asks, looking over at me. I shake my head, putting my face in my hands.

        "How could he just come back like that? He abandoned us...I was five, for crying out loud!" I cry, lifting my head. "Did he think he could come back, and everything would be okay?!"

        "Probably. He probably doesn't think he did anything wrong." Adam says, putting a comforting hand on my shaking leg. "It's over now, babe. Now we just have to get out of here, okay?" He leans over and gives me a quick kiss before starting the car.

        "This should be fun." I say, laughing a bit. "How do you think your mom is going to react when she sees me again?"        

        Adam raises his eyebrows, shrugs, then presses his lips in a thin line. "I have no clue. Not exactly looking forward to it. "

        The rest of the ride is nothing like the start. Adam and I joke around the entire time, acting like the perfect couples you see in movies. We spend most of the time laughing about random stuff; from the way people are driving, to the crazy things being said in our car.

        After a while, when it's getting dark, we decide to stop in Buffalo for the night. After a quick dinner at the Pearl Street Grill, we head to the hotel. 

        "Comfortable?" Adam asks, putting his arm across my shoulder as I lay on his lap. I nod, closing my eyes. "Hey, move a sec." 

        I sit up, holding myself up with my arms. Adam wiggles around, and ends up on his back, arms reaching for me. "Okay. Come here."

        I roll onto his chest, my face pressing against his shoulder. "Is it okay if I drive tomorrow? There's somewhere I want to go before we get to your house."        

        "Sure. I can drive, just as long as you point me in the right direction." Adam says, hugging me against him.

        "It's okay. I want to drive."  I say, putting my arms under his neck.

        Adam gives me one last kiss, then we're both fast asleep.

        The next morning.

        "Come on. babe." Adam says, smacking my back lightly. "Up." 

        "I don't wanna." I say, already dreading what today is going to bring. 

        "Come on. We have places to go. And more importantly, you're driving. UP!" Adam says, rolling over and throwing me off of him. 

        I slowly get up, but run to the shower before Adam has the chance. I shower quickly, then get dressed. I pull on a Bruins shirt, a pink flannel jacket, and jeans.

        "Done?" Adam asks when I walk out of the bathroom. 

        I grab the beanie he's holding, pulling it over my forehead. "Yup." I sit on the bed as Adam walks into the bathroom, pulling on my Converse. 

        An hour later, Adam and I check out of the hotel. We pack up everything in the car again, then head back home to lovely Canada.

        "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Adam asks as I pull out of the hotel.

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