Chapter Fourteen

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        My POV

        "All I wanted was a coffee." Lynn whines, walking back to the nurses station with me. The hospital was pretty busy, and we wanted to sit after waiting forever for our patient to be seen.

        "Just let it go." I laugh, opening the computer. I begin to type in information about our unexpected call, but Lynn keeps whining.

        "We paid and everything!" She cries. She leans on the counter, and drops her head on the top.

        I lean back in my chair and place my hands on the back of my neck. "I'll buy you another one, okay?" I smile, and close the computer. 

        "Your stretcher is ready to go, okay?" A nurse walks up to us, smiling. She points to the backboard and stretcher waiting in the hall.

        "Thanks." I say, smiling again. I look back up to Lynn, who's standing upright again. "I'm going to get something from the break room. I'll meet you in the ambulance in five."        

        Without waiting for a response, I stand up and walk to the break room. I shove my hands in my pockets as I walk along, my head down. I nearly run into a few people on the way, but keep walking, other things on my mind.

        I walk into the break room, sighing in relief when I see I'm alone. The relief fades however, when I see the only thing to drink is coffee.

        "Great." I mutter. Coffee is so gross..

        Nevertheless, seeing as it's my only choice, I pour myself a cup. I dump as much creamer and sugar as I can in there, then take a sip. Instantly, I shudder at the bitter taste.

        "You know there's a convenience store down the road? They have soda and stuff there." A voice says from behind me. "You don't have to drink that stuff."        

        I whip around, dropping the cup on the counter. "What are you doing here?" I scowl, my hands flying back into my pockets.

        Adam takes a few small steps towards me, his arms crossed. "I told you, I need to talk to you."

        "I don't want to talk; I'm working." I say, looking down at my boots. Despite the fact that my jacket is on, I shiver in the already warm room.

        "Well, we need to talk." Adam says, not backing down.

        "Why should I talk to you? After what you did to me, I don't even want to be near you." I snarl, pressing my back against the counter.

        "Phoebe, please. I just want to apologize." Adam says quietly. He steps forward again and places his hands on my shoulders. I wince a bit as he hits where the bruises are.

        "Hey! Leave her alone." Lynn yells, running into the room. She pries Adam's hands off of me. 

        "Lynn, I just need to talk to her." Adam says, dropping his hands to his sides.

        "You can talk without touching her." Lynn growls, standing in front of me. "It's not that hard."

        Adam sighs, then nods. "Phoebe, listen, please. What I did and said, was wrong. The fact that I'm losing you is killing me. I can't take back what I did, but I feel terrible. I-"

        "That's enough, Adam." I interrupt him, finally looking up at him. "You can't take it back, and you it pretty well. But there's no way I'll be able to forgive you, no matter how much you try and apologize!" 

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