Chapter Fifteen

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        Adam's POV

        "PHOEBE!" I scream, my feet finally taking off. I slowly move from between the parked cars, aiming straight for Phoebe. Even though I'm moving, I feel frozen in place.

        Before I can even reach Phoebe, I see someone race by me. All I see is a blur of brown hair go by before it disappears behind the ambulance, taking Phoebe with it. 

        I'm frozen in place as the ambulance continues on it's merry way, watching Phoebe twitch under the person who just saved her. 

        "Phoebe!" I yell again, coming to my senses, and racing towards her. 

        She crawls out from under the person, and helps him to his feet. 

        "You okay, Torey?" Phoebe asks, breathing heavily as Torey straightens himself up. 

        "I think I should be asking you that." Torey laughs nervously, walking Phoebe over to the sidewalk. I follow them over, ignoring the stares from other pedestrians.

        "I'm fine." Phoebe says, brushing off her back and shoulders. Finally, she looks over at me, as if she's just realized I was there.

        "You're okay?" I ask, not knowing what to do. She just nods, then dismisses me.

        "Phoebe!" We all turn to see Lynn bolting towards us. Torey and I step aside to let the two of them hug it out. "You're such an idiot." We hear Lynn whisper, followed by Phoebe's familiar laugh.

        "Come on." Torey says, grabbing my arm. He waves to Phoebe, then pulls me over towards his car. When we reach it, instead of opening it, he roughly grabs my shoulders. "What were you thinking?! You were just standing there! You could have saved her, you idiot!"

        "I-I was just frozen...I didn't know what to do!" I stammer, trying to avoid Torey's glaring eyes. 

        "She needed you, and you just stood there! What would have happened if I hadn't come out of the bathroom?! She could be dead, damn it! Do you not realize this!?" Torey yells, shaking me.

        I shove his hands away angrily. "I do! Excuse me for not having an adrenaline rush like everyone else does!" I turn away from the car and walk back towards the hospital.

        "Adam, get back here!" Torey yells, running after me. 

        "Stay away from me!" I scream, turning on him. My eyes flash with anger, glaring daggers at him.

        I turn on my heel again, storming away from my friend. Torey continues yelling at me, but I choose to ignore him.

        As I'm passing by the main doors again, I see Phoebe getting into her ambulance. Her eyes meet with mine, and dart away quickly.

        I move towards her to try and say something, but Lynn glares at me and shakes her head. The doors of the ambulance slam shut, and the two girls are off.

        I bow my head, and continue walking. I take random lefts and rights, almost getting lost in Boston. I crash into people, muttering a few half-hearted apologies. 

        After hours of aimless walking, I make my way back to the apartment building. I don't go in, but head towards my car. At this point, the sky has long since gone dark. The night life of Boston is coming alive, and music from bars blares onto the streets.

        I decide to head to one, wanting just a few drinks. More aimless driving, practically speeding through the already crowded streets. 

        I reach my bar, The Boston Bar and Brew. I park on the side of the road, slamming the truck door shut behind me. 

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