Chapter Thirty One

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Adam's POV

"She's down the hall." The nurse tells me, pointing down the never ending hallway. "She's alive."

"What about my son?" I ask, wringing my hands.

The nurse shakes her head. "He didn't make it."

"What?!" I cry. I can feel the blood drain from my face.

"He didn't make it. He didn't make it." The nurse chants. "He didn't make it!"

I jerk awake, my eyes flashing open. I take a few deep breaths, calming myself down from the third nightmare tonight.

Next to me, Phoebe rolls over in her sleep, her hand landing on my chest. I look down at her, watching her breath softly. My hand goes to her back, her warmth spreading through my fingertips.

We're getting close to Phoebe's three month appointment for the baby, and I'm scared out of my mind.

I constantly find myself freaking out about the baby. I always think something is going to go wrong, either with the baby or Phoebe. I had to pull myself from practice because I had an anxiety attack about it the other day.

Phoebe shifts under me again, this time laying on her back. I watch her chest rise and fall softly, her rhythmic breathing putting me back to sleep.


"Are you up?" Phoebe yells from the bathroom, turning off the faucet.

I sit up, acting like I woke up ten minutes ago like I was supposed to. "Yeah!" I yell, trying to sound awake.

I walk into the bathroom, finding Phoebe standing in front of the mirror. She's getting ready for her shower, pants tossed lazily into the corner. As she takes off the baggy shirt she wore to bed, I notice something I've been waiting to see.

"What? What is it?" Phoebe asks, watching me smile.

Without words, I turn Phoebe so she can see her side in the mirror. I stand behind her, running my hands on her stomach. "Look." I say simply, moving my hands up.

Phoebe gasps when she sees what I'm getting at.

The baby bump is finally showing through.

"Oh my God." Phoebe whispers, placing her hand on the tiny bump.

I place my big hands over hers, pressing gently on her stomach. "That's our little guy."

Phoebe turns to face me, a huge smile on her face. I kneel down in front of her, my face level with her stomach. I run my hands over the smooth skin again, placing a small kiss on the middle of the bump.

Phoebe runs a hand through my hair. "You're a little happy, aren't you?"

I look up at her, my eyes shining. "You have no idea."



Four months into pregnancy.

Christmas is just a few days away, and the Bruins team is really getting into it. The skate at the arena would be Christmas Eve, but we were celebrating early and going out tonight. The team was heading to a bar in the middle of the city.

But before the party, Adam and I had some business to attend to. We were heading to the doctor to find out the gender of the baby.

"You okay?" I ask Adam, walking out of the bathroom.

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