Chapter Twenty Four

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        My POV

        You don't deserve him. He doesn't love you. You're nothing to him. Nothing. 


        I sit up in bed, screaming. The words Adam's mom, Dianne, said to me earlier today fade as I shake myself awake.

        "Babe?" Adam calls out sleepily. "What's wrong?" 

        I close my eyes as Adam flicks on the bedside lamp, my eyes adjusting slowly. Adam sits up, his hand crawling up my back.

        "Nothing." I lie, shuddering at Adam's touch. 

        "It's what mom said, isn't it?" Adam asks, his hand moving over to rub my shoulder.

        I simply nod, drawing my knees up to my chest. Adam sighs, throwing his feet off the bed. 

        "What are you doing?" I ask, watching Adam grab the laptop from the computer desk. 

        "Just wait." Adam says quickly, signing onto the Bruins web page. He clicks a link that takes us to a one-on-one interview with him. "Watch this."

        I curl up into Adam's side. When we're both settled in, Adam hits play.

        "So, Adam. Why don't you tell us about your personal life?" The interviewer, Kathy, asks.

        "What do you want to know?" Adam asks, grinning.

        "You're pretty personal, correct?"


        "Are you seeing anyone special?"

        A sly smile spreads across Adam's face. "I am, in fact."

        "The truth comes out!" Kathy cheers. "Why don't you tell us a bit about her?"

        Adam settles back in his seat, folding his hands on his lap. "She's perfect. Absolutely perfect. She means the world to me. Honestly, I can't imagine my life without her. Both of us have had a rough past with each other. But lately, life has just been so perfect with her. I couldn't go a day without her now."

        Adam pauses the video there. He looks down at me as I cover my mouth with my hand. "What mom said earlier doesn't matter. What anyone else might say doesn't matter. All that matters," Adam whispers as he give me a quick kiss. "is what I think of you."

        Before I can say anything, Adam hits play again.

        "She sounds nice." Kathy comments.

        "She's perfect. Caring. Loving." Adam says, still smiling.

        "Do you see yourself marrying her someday?" Kathy asks.

        There's a long pause. "I really don't know."

        "You don't know?" Kathy exclaims. "You just told me how great she was!" 

        Adam sighs. "Yeah, but I don't know if I want to settle down right now."

        Adam suddenly pauses the video, slamming the computer shut. He glances down at me, then shies away when he catches my glare. 

        "You don't know if you want to marry me?" I snarl, sitting up in bed. 

        Adam gulps, biting his lip. "Babe, it's not like that."

We Still Saw the Same SunsetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora