Chapter Twenty Six

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        Jacob's POV

        My fellow doctor, Andrew, looks up at me. "We're going to have to let him go, aren't we?" He asks me, nodding towards Adam's room.

        I look behind me and sigh. Adam had to have a feeding tube put in, and another tube to stop the buildup of fluid in his throat. It's been a week since we first got him, and he hasn't really done anything.

        "Probably." I frown, turning back to Andrew. "He hasn't improved at all. In fact, he's probably gotten worse."

        "Worse? How?" Andrew asks, putting his hands on the back of his neck.

        I sit down in another chair, and put my head in my hands. "We had to add a feeding tube. He needed to get nutrients to try and help the healing process. And we ran out of blood, so we're clinging to the hope that he has enough left in him."

        "He's not going to make it?" 

        I shake my head. "I doubt it. And I can't stand it."

        "Jacobs, we lose them sometimes. It's not something we can stop." Andrew says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

        "I can't give up on him, though. I just can't." I say, lifting my head. "I can't let him go."

        My POV

        I push more of Adam's curls back from his face, smoothing them for the hundredth time. 

        "Come on, baby." I whisper, knowing full well Adam can't hear me. "Come back to me."

        Adam's life support machine beeps again, monitoring his pulse. It's there, but barely. 

        "Is he going to be okay?" I turn and see Emily standing behind me, her arms crossed over her now flat stomach.

        I shrug, turning back to Adam. "They don't give him a good chance."

        Emily sighs, walking further into the room. "That's what Torey told me last week. I thought I'd come by to see how you were doing. And Adam."

        I nod, running my fingers through his messy curls once again.

        "So, how are you doing?" Emily asks, placing a comforting hand on mine.

        I shake my head this time, looking down at my feet. "I can't do this."

        "Do what, hun?"

        "Go on if he doesn't make it. I barely sleep. I can't eat." I say, shaking as I let out the truth that nobody else has heard. "I can't do this without him."

        Emily's mouth drops at my words, her hand gripping mine tightly. "Phoebe...."

        "I can't go on without him. He has to make it!" I cry, looking back up at Adam's motionless body. 

        Emily sighs. "Phoebe, you're going to have to. If he doesn't make it, I'm not letting you go with him."

        I turn and glare up at my friend. "What are you talking about?"

        "You tried suicide once. I almost lost you once. I'm not going to lose you again." She says, offering a soft smile.

        Patrice's POV

        "Don't forget, we're doing the tribute to Adam before the game." Claude tells us before walking out of the locker room.

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