Chapter Thirty Three

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Patrice's POV

I see Adam start crying again, and I know instantly that he broke the news to Phoebe. Torey sighs next to me, then turns away.

"This sucks." He whispers, leaning against the wall.

I turn to him, squinting my eyes. "How do you think they feel?" I sigh, crossing my arms.

"I know, I know. I don't know how they feel." Torey argues, turning now to face me. "But I do know that this is going to kill Adam."

"Just him?"

"He wanted a kid so damn bad!"

"What about Phoebe?! She was carrying the baby, and she's the one who got drugged!" I start to yell. "I think this is going to kill her, too!"

"I know that! But Adam is our teammate, and I'm worried about him more!" Torey screams.

"Phoebe and Adam are a thing, that makes her part of our team too, damn it!"

Emily and Stephanie step between Torey and me, pushing us apart. "Guys, calm down." Emily says calmly, looking up at Torey.

"Yeah. Take a breath, love." Stephanie whispers, cupping my face in her hands.

I glare back at Torey for a minute, but nod. "Yeah. Sure."

Adam's POV

Five months later.

Phoebe rolls over on the couch, facing me. I stay seated on the table, watching her sleep. I turn my cup over in my hands again, stray drops of water hitting the floor.

"You're kinda cute." Phoebe whispers. I jump at the sound of her voice, thinking she was still sleeping.

"Thanks." I smile softly, looking down at her.

Phoebe sits up slowly, using the couch cushion to sit straight. "You know what today is?"

"Unfortunately." I whisper sadly, turning the cup over again.

And I did. Today would've...should have been the day the baby was born.

"What were we going to name him?" Phoebe asks, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

"James." I tell her, finally spilling my idea for the name. "James Elliot McQuaid."

Phoebe manages a smile. "That's perfect."

"It would have been..."

"Hey!" Phoebe snaps, slapping my leg softly. "No talking like that, Adam."

I nod. "I know, I know."

"Maybe losing James was a sign." Phoebe sighs, standing up in front of me. "Maybe it was good that we didn't have a kid just yet."

"How can it be good? We lost our son." I retaliate.

"Yeah, but we can always try again. Besides," Phoebe smiles, bending over to kiss me. "now I'll be thin for tomorrow."

I smirk as Phoebe walks off.


The next day.

"Stop being nervous!" Emily commands, shaking my shoulder.

"Stop, you'll ruin her hair!" Stephanie yelps, slapping Emily's hand away.

I take another shaky breath. "Kind of hard to not be nervous!"

Lynn sighs, grabbing another hair pin. "Just chill. It's easy."

"You've never done this." I glare at Lynn, but laugh.

I take another look in the mirror as Lynn finishes my hair, letting it drape over my dress. She pulls some over my shoulders, then steps back.

"Perfect!" Steph cheers, clapping.

I stand up, smoothing the dress as much as I can. "Do I look okay?"

"Okay?" Emily asks, staring at me. "If Adam doesn't cry when he sees you, you're not getting married today. You look that good."

I laugh, then thank her. "He better like it."

"I'm with Emily. If he doesn't, I'll kill him." Steph agrees, grinning.

There's a knock on the door, and Lynn goes to open it. "Go away, Adam!"

"Come on, I just want to see her." Adam whines from the other side of the nearly closed door.

"No!" Emily, Stephanie, and I yell in unison.

"Not until she walks down the damn aisle." Lynn says before shutting the door.

"I hate all of you!" Adam laughs, walking away again.


"I do." Adam sighs, smiling widely.

"Phoebe?" The minister asks, looking over to me.

I tear up, but nod in agreement. "I do."

I can hear a few exited murmurs as the minster announces what I've been waiting to hear. "You may kiss the bride!"

Adam smiles one last time before wrapping his arms around my waist. For the first time as husband and wife, I reach up and kiss Adam. His grip tightens around me, pulling me in close.

"I now pronounce you man and wife!" The minister says happily, followed by the cheers and applause by our friends.

Adam breaks the kiss, tears streaming down his face as he smiles at me. "I love you so much."

I cup his face in my hands, kissing him again. "I love you, too."

We head to the reception hall, settling in with all of our friends. Before long, Adam is called up to say his speech.

Adam takes a deep breath, then smiles up at the crowd. "Phoebe, I'll be completely honest with you. I didn't write anything, so I'm winging it right now."

I laugh along with the crowd, watching Adam's face turn red.

"But there's something I do know, even without having to write it down. I know damn well that I love you. I know the last year and a half have been insanely rough, but we've pulled through it all. And I know that no matter what is thrown at us next, we can get through that, too. I know that the first time we met didn't end well, but I'm so thankful that I got a second chance. Fixing what I screwed up before has been the chance of a lifetime. I can't imagine not having that chance. I have no idea where I'd be without you." Adam takes a breath, panting. Everyone laughs again, watching him struggle. "Phoebe, I promise to love you until the day I die, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy for as long as I live. I let you go once before, but I'm not letting that happen again. I promise."

Adam smiles as he finishes, stepping down to give me a quick hug. He gives me a kiss on the nose as our friends clap again.

"Promise?" I ask, looking up at him.

Adam smiles again, pressing his lips against mine this time. "I promise. And that one, you can hold me to."

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