Chapter Thirteen

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        Adam's POV

        It's only been three days since Phoebe left, and I've been a total wreck the entire time. I can't sleep, I haven't been going anywhere, and I just sit on the couch now. I lost track of what was on TV. All I thought about was Phoebe. 

        How could I have been so stupid? I was such an idiot! 

        A knock on the door drags me off of the couch. I shuffle over to the door, and open it slowly.

        "Oh, man! You look like crap." Torey greets me, sarcasm thick in his voice. 

        I grunt, pushing back my brown curls. "What do you want?" 

        "You need to come apologize to Phoebe." Torey says, stepping by me. He stands in the middle of the living room and crosses his arms. 

        "You don't think I want to?" I snarl, slamming the door shut.

        "Well, you need to grow up, get off your butt, and go get her back." 

        "I really doubt she wants to see me right now." I sigh, sitting back down on the couch.

        Torey sighs, then walks into the bedroom. I hear him shuffling around, opening doors and drawers. A few minutes later, Torey emerges from the room and walks over to me.

        "Here." He mutters, dropping some clothes on my lap. "Change into this, and let's go. Now." Torey snaps, walking into the kitchen. "And don't forget to shave, you look like crap!" 

        I yell a few choice words at him, then walk into the bedroom. I strip off my shorts, and walk into the bathroom.

        "Damn, Torey was right." I mumble at my reflection in the mirror. My beard has gotten longer than I thought. My eyes were red, surrounded by dark circles. 

        I take a quick shower, and shave faster than I ever have before. I pull on my jeans, doing a little dance to get them on faster. I button up my black plaid shirt, and tie up my black Converse sneakers.

        "Are you ready yet?" Torey calls for me from the front room.

        I brush my hair back quickly, then grin at my reflection. "Ready!" I call back, jogging out of my room.

        "Much better!" Torey smiles when I walk towards him. "Looking good, my man." 

        I give him a quick high five, then grab my car keys. "Ready?" Torey asks, walking out of the apartment. I lock the door behind me, then run down the stairs after him.

        "So how's Phoebe been doing?" I ask, finally gathering up the courage.

        Torey stops on the stairs, midstep, and sighs. "Pretty bad. She just sort of lays in bed and cries. The only time she moves is when she has to go to work." 

        "Really? That bad?" I say, a little shocked. I didn't think Phoebe got so upset. Then again, it was a big issue, what happened.

        "It's been rough. But she seemed a little happier when she left for her shift earlier. She should be off shift when we get back to my place." Torey says. He sighs, then continues walking downstairs. 

        I follow him down, a small smile on my face. I get to see Phoebe again, but I don't know how this is going to play out. 

        "How about a coffee first?" Torey asks me. He starts up his car and pulls away from the apartment.

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