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One year later.

"Alright, Phoebe. One more push!" The doctor yells at me over my piercing screams. "One, two, three!"

Adam squeezes my hand as I push again, screaming loudly. I take a few short breaths, gritting my teeth with the pain.

A few seconds later, my screams being replaced by the wails of the baby. The doctor smiles behind his face mask.

"It's a boy!" He tells us, turning away to cut the umbilical cord.

Adam starts laughing, more like a nervous laughter. He leans over and kisses my forehead, pushing my hair back. "You did it."

I breath heavily, smiling at my husband. "Somehow!" I pant, closing my eyes.

Adam and I watch as our baby boy is cleaned off, then wrapped in a blanket.

"Here you go, Phoebe." The nurse says, handing my baby over. "Congratulations. He's perfectly healthy."

The doctors all walk out, leaving Adam and I alone. It's quiet for a minute, broken only by the baby making small squeaking noises. Adam holds him on one side, helping to hold him up against me.

"So, what are we going to name him?" I ask, looking up at Adam.

"You tell me." Adam says, glancing up at me.

I shake my head. "You didn't get the chance to name him the first time. It's all on you."

Adam looks at me, shocked. Then he looks back down at the baby. "Coleman." He sighs contently, smiling. "Coleman Ryder McQuaid."

"I love it." I smile, looking back down at our baby.

Adam smiles, then leans over and presses his lips against mine. "I love you."

"Love you, too."

Coleman gurgles in my arms, making Adam laugh. "Yeah, yeah. We love you, too, buddy."

A/N: And we're done! I honestly loved writing this story so much. I know that it wasn't always that great, but I love all of you for sticking around until it actually got good. Thank you all so much for reading this story, voting, and commenting. It means the world to me that you enjoy it. Special thank you goes to @byekrug for helping me with this story so many times. I will be starting a new McQuaid story or two, so let me know if you want to hear about them! Thank you again SO MUCH! As always, I love you, and I will see you again soon! -Phoebe

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