Chapter Eleven

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        My POV

        "Babe?" Adam asks, walking into our bedroom, back at the apartment. After what happened with my dad, we cancelled the trip to his house and came home. "You okay?"

        I lift my head from the pillow, rubbing my face. "No." I mumble, putting my head back down.

        Adam sits on the bed next to me, pushing my hair away from my face. "Figured you weren't." He says, wiggling around to lay down next to me. 

        I squirm over, pressing up into his side. Adam puts his arms around me comfortingly, his legs tangled in mine. 

        "It's going to be fine. He's gone." Adam whispers, pressing his lips against my forehead. "I know that probably doesn't make it easier, but-"

        I lift my head to kiss him. I put my hand on his cheek, pulling his face closer to mine. "You're helping just fine, Ad. Okay? It's just a lot to take in and deal with."

        "And I'll be here every step of the way to help you through it." Adam says, rubbing my back.        

        I curl up into Adam, listening to his heartbeat. It's smooth, rhythmic, and easily puts me to sleep.

        A little while later, I'm woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I roll out of Adam's embrace to check my caller ID.

        "Hey, Em. What's going on?" I ask sleepily, the bed shifting as Adam sits up. 

        "Torey told me what happened in Canada" Emily rambles, talking quickly. "We need to get together and talk."

        "Torey knows?! How?" 

        "Adam. How else?"

        I look over slowly at Adam. He gulps, then looks down at the blanket. 

        "Okay, yeah, sure. Where and when?" I say, throwing my feet off the side of the bed. 

        "Starbucks. One hour. See you there!" Emily says gleefully before hanging up.

         I put my phone on the table, then slowly look over my shoulder at Adam. He looks up a bit, shying away. "I hate you." 

        "I'm sorry. I knew he would tell Emily, and I thought you could use a friend besides me. Since you two got close after the Winter Classic, I figured you could talk to her. I'm sorry if you didn't want to or something." Adam says, rubbing the blankets between his fingers.

        I lean over, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "The only thing I don't like about your plan is that I have to go to Starbucks now. I hate that place."        

        "Why?" Adam asks, his eyes following me as I walk to the closet.

        "I don't like coffee. At all." I say, grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom.

        I shower quickly, then get ready to meet Emily. I button up my blue and white plaid shirt, then pull on my black skinny jeans. I then pull Adam's black hat over my curled hair, then walk back into the bedroom. 

        "Alright, babe. I gotta get going." I say, walking up behind Adam, putting my hand on his back. He's washing dishes from last nights dinner. 

        "Do you need a ride to Starbucks?" He asks, turning off the water.

        I shake my head as I slide on my Adidas high tops. "I'm good. I could use a little exercise." I finish with my shoes, then walk back to Adam. I take his face in my hands and press my lips against his waiting mouth. "I'll see you soon."

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