Chapter Twenty Two

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        Adam's POV

        I walk back into the apartment, closing the door quietly behind me. It's too lonely here now. 

        I turn on all the lights, hoping that will make the space seem a little less gloomy. 


        I groan, then wander into the bedroom bathroom. I throw open the door, and it hits something before meeting the wall. 

        "What the?" I mutter, trying to open the door again.        

        "Dude, you're killing my stomach." I hear Patrice yell, shoving the door back at me.

        I dodge around the door, then come face to face with my teammate. "What are you doing here?"

        Patrice grins, then opens the shower curtain. Torey, Johnny, and Dougie are all smiling back at me.

        "You guys are hiding in my shower for what reason?" I say, running my hands down my face, then pushing my hair back.

        "We thought you could use a guys night at the bar." Johnny pipes up, stepping out of the tub.

        "To help with leaving Phoebe for a while." Torey continues, patting my shoulder. 

        Patrice looks back at me, still smiling. "You up for it? You need something to do."

        I laugh. "This is creepy as hell, you know that, right?" I see all four faces nod, then I laugh again. "Fine, I'm in."

        "Just don't drink yourself to death like you did last time." Dougie mentions. We all turn on him.

        "Seriously? What is it with you and not saying the right words?" Patrice snarls, glaring at Dougie.

        "Don't worry," Johnny says, gabbing me around the neck and giving me a noogie. "We're going to keep a close eye on him tonight."

        We head downstairs, Patrice still chewing Dougie out. We all get in Johnny's van, then head to the bar we all love.

        When we get there, we're instantly surrounded by a bunch of fans. We spend about twenty minutes signing various things and taking pictures before we can sit down.

        Lucas takes care of us as usual, giving me a beer this time instead of vodka. "You seem to be able to handle these better." He says, offering me a small smile.

        "No kidding. I need to thank you, by the way." I say, popping the cap off.

        "For what?"

        "Sending that taxi that nearly killed me. It got me and Phoebe back together." I mention, seeing as I haven't been here since the accident.

        "That's not exactly a good thing." Patrice says, looking down at me. 

        "It got me on good terms with Phoebe again. I'm alive, and we're okay. I'll take it." I grin, chugging some of my drink. Not the best way to get back with someone, but it's not like I would have been able to do it myself...

        "You miss here yet?" Johnny asks, looking down the bar at me.

        "Hell, I missed her the second I walked away from her." I reply, setting my bottle down.

        "How long will it be before you see her again?" Dougie asks, his hair messed up from when Patrice rubbed it.

        "I don't know." I say sadly, turning my bottle in a few circles.

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