Chapter Sixteen

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        My POV

        "Adam!" I yell, shaking his arm lightly. "Adam, wake up. Adam! ADAM!" I stand up, trying to stay still with Lynn's crazy driving. "Lynn, help!"

        She slams on the brakes, then hops back to me. "What's wrong?" She asks, panicking. 

        "He's not breathing. Get the AED set." I grab my EMT shears, cutting open Adam's shirt around his arms. "Oh, crap."

        His chest and stomach are covered in what looked like purple bruises. "Internal bleeding." I mutter, throwing my shears aside.

        "Can we use the AED now?" Lynn asks, opening the bag.

        "We have to, CPR would just hurt him more." I reply, pressing my fingers to the side of Adam's neck. "No pulse, hurry up!" I yell.

        "Can we intubate?" She asks, passing over the chest pads.

        "No. Just do this, now." I press the pads on Adam's chest, trying not to make the bleeding worse. 

        "Analyzing." Lynn says, checking the machine. 

        "Radio ahead to the hospital. They need to know what's going on." I demand, shoving Lynn towards the front of the ambulance again.

        While she works on that, I make sure that the AED is ready to go. It tells me to shock, and I do. I wince as Adam's body is shocked, hopefully back to life. I press my fingers on his neck again. This time, I feel a weak pulse. 

        "Lynn, drive! NOW!" I scream, tearing off the shock pads.

        A drive that was supposed to take five minutes took two, and before long, we were rolling Adam into the Emergency Room. 

        "This the one, Lynn?" Our favorite doctor, Jacob Travis, asks when we get inside.

        "Yeah. We got a rhythm back. Weak, though." Lynn says, pulling the stretcher with her.

        "Get him up to surgery, now. We have to fix whatever is going on in there." Jacob says, pointing to Adam's chest.

        We get Adam to the elevator, heading up to the fourth floor. The doctors are ready to go when we arrive, and take Adam in immediately. 

        "Thanks, Jake." Lynn pants, patting his shoulder. 

        "We'll let you know how it goes." He says, then he disappears into the surgical suite.

        I nod, then slowly start to walk away. "Don't think I missed that little slip up back there." Lynn says, standing behind me.

        I stop, then turn to look at her. "What are you talking about?" I snarl.

        "Come on, babe? That line ring a bell?" Lynn asks, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

        I take a deep breath, then turn and walk away again. "Shut up."

        "No. You still love him, don't you?" She calls after me. I continue walking, trying to speed up after I hear her move. Then, she grabs my shoulders, and whips me around. "Admit it. You still love him."        

        I shove her hands away from me, but don't walk away this time. She was right, I did love him. But after what he did, calling me stupid and grabbing me like that, how could I be?

        Lynn steps back in my silence, her hands dropping to her side. "You do, don't you?" I simply nod, looking at the ground. Lynn sighs, then gives me a hug. "If he makes it out of this, you need to tell him."

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