Chapter Twenty One

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        My POV

        "NOW?!" Lynn and Emily yell.

        "Now." I say calmly, pulling on my gloves. I throw a pair at Lynn, then get ready.

        "Do you know what you're doing?" Emily asks, her face scrunched in pain.

        I nod. "I saw my first birth when I was sixteen. I've got this."        

        I kneel down in front of Emily, looking where I needed to. "She's ready to go."

        "Crowning already?" Lynn asks, bending down next to Emily's head.

        "Yeah. Okay, Em. You ready?" I ask, looking up at her.

        She just nods, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Get her out of me!" She screams.

        I walk her through the process, telling her to breath, push, then breath again. A few minutes later, I'm holding a bloody, screaming baby in my arms.

        Emily, covered in sweat, starts crying and laughing at the same time. Lynn, grinning, walks back up to the front to get to the hospital.

        I do what I need to do. Cleaning off baby Aydan, and getting her settled. Suddenly, we hit a bump. Aydan stays in my arms, but is jolted pretty badly.

        "Aydan?" I ask, looking down at the newborn. "Aydan?" She's not moving, and she's stopped crying.

        "What's wrong?" Emily asks, looking over at me.         

        I don't answer her, but I lay her on the bench. I grab the smallest oxygen mask and bag I can, get it together, and start breathing for her.

        "Phoebe, what the hell is wrong?!" Emily screams. "PHOEBE!"

        "Quiet!" I yell, not turning away from Aydan. "Lynn, step on it! NOW!"

        Adam's POV

        I stand with my arm around Phoebe, watching Emily hold her new daughter for the first time. Torey has tears still coming out of his eyes. Despite what had happened on the ambulance, Aydan Sophia Krug was healthy as could be, her head already full of brown hair

        "She's perfect." Emily whispers for the hundredth time. 

        "We know." Dougie says, standing next to Torey. 

        Patrice sighs, leaning against the wall. "I guess Steph and I should sign up for babysitting service?" 

        I laugh, along with everyone else in the room. "I can sign up, too!" I yell, and Phoebe, smiling, nods in agreement.

        Another round of laughter erupts from the room, from everyone except Dougie. "How can you do it, Phoebe?"

        Phoebe stops laughing, her eyes darting over to meet Dougie's. "What?"

        "how can you do it? Babysit?" He repeats. "You're leaving soon."

        Everyone looks over at her, shocked. Not by Phoebe's choice to leave, but the fact that Dougie would bring it up like this. 

        "And what if you don't make it back?" Dougie continues. "You won't be able to babysit, either way."

        "DUDE!" Torey, Patrice, and I yell. Phoebe makes a squeaking noise, then ducks out from under my arm. I turn to see her running from the room.

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