Arjun's way !

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Arjun on phone ::

Arjun: I told you to do something Is the job done ??

Man :: Yes sir it's done .

Arjun : Is the injury serious??

Man : No sir as you said we just hit him a little by motorcycle. We took him to the hospital he will be fine in two weeks time .Nothing serious .

Arjun : Good you can go now .

Hopewell orphanage

Ananya is shocked and worried by seeing the sight and came running towards father Joseph.

Anu: fa.. father !!! How did it happen ? How are you? How many times do I have to tell you to be careful!! Now see what happened !!!

Father Jo: Anu my child please calm down . Just a small accident .It's not a big deal I'm fine!! It doesn't pain much . Don't worry!!

Anu : How can you say that it's not a big deal.If anything might have happened to you then ?? Thank God it was a small accident. Please please father be careful we can't lose you (in tears).

Father Jo : Don't get tensed so much my child . It's okay I will be alright if I take some rest.And you know that I have to go to masoori I'll be fine till then.

Anu: No you are not going anywhere until you get well father . You are not leaving your room .You need complete bed rest . That's an order.

Father Jo : You know Anu you call me father but sometimes I feel like you are my mother.I am absolutely fine ahhhhhhhh!! ( Screaming in pain )

Anu:Ya I can see that !! Nothing doing . I will call Mr Arjun and tell him that you are not gonna make it to masoori .

Arjun :: Did someone called my name ?? Hello everyone!

Anu :: Mr Arjun !! I .. I was just about to call you .

Arjun:: what happened ?? Is everything alright ? Miss Ananya

Anu :: No actually father Joseph had a little accident today so I was about to call you to say that he will not be able to attend the event in masoori.

Arjun:: what??? Accident !! How ? When? Where ? Are you ok father ??

Father Jo:: yes my child !! Nothing serious just hurt my leg that's all  .

Anu:: See Mr Arjun!! He is saying it's  nothing serious ! How will you walk tell me ?? You are not in the condition to travel father please understand .

Arjun:: Father I think she's right . Traveling is not good for you at this condition !

Father Jo:: But!!

Anu :: No but ! You are not going to masoori and that's final !.

Father Jo:: But some one has to go from our orphanage .

Arjun :: In that case why don't you come to masoori miss Ananya! That way father can take rest and some one will be present there from this orphanage too.

Father Jo :: You have a point my child . Anu I think you should go to masoori .

Anu :: But father how can I ? I mean you are not well and I can't leave you alone !

Father Jo :: Anu there are many here to take care of me plus my condition is not that serious . You have to go my child.

Arjun :: He's right miss Ananya ! You have to come .

Anu :: ah ah. .. o... Ok !!

Arjun :: Ok !! Then I'll book tickets for you miss Ananya. We have to go the day after tomorrow . I'll come pick you up .

Ananya's Pov::

Thank God father didn't had a serious accident. I was so scared when I saw him in that condition. He's not in the condition to travel that's why I told him not to go to masoori. But he and  asked me to go instead . I agreed to go but now I am tensed . I know if I tell Abhi about this he will not let me go or he may even tell that he will come with me too. I can't let him travel too. I don't know how will I convince him .

Arjun's Pov::

Finally Ananya agreed to go to masoori . Sorry father Joseph I had to plan your accident. I'm sorry but I had no other options left . I know Ananya wouldn't agree if you were going,she would have made many excuses to no go there .I hate to hurt you because I know you are very dear to Ananya. please forgive me !! Now you can take rest . Father You take care of yourself and the orphanage I will take care of my Ananya.

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