Massuurie!! part 1

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Sorry readers I just found out that I've been spelling a wrong name .. it's actually massuurie not masoori ,, my apologies 🤗🤗..

Ananya's Pov::

Arjun came to pick me up and we went to massuurie together !! The trip was great.. It's the first time I was visiting massuurie !! Such a beautiful place I must say .. Arjun and I became friends in such a short time.. he's a great guy.. he was with me all the time in the event . He didn't let me feel lonely.He asked me not to call him Mr Arjun so I call him Arjun now and he calls me Anu .But I miss my Abhi so much ... Last time I talked with him when I  reached here. I told him that I am staying at Arjun's guest house. It's been just a 2 days I'm here and I miss him. I tried calling him but his phone is unreachable... God this network.... !!!  I wish he was here with me ..

Arjun's Pov::
Finally she started calling me Arjun,I used to hate it when she called me Mr Arjun . Anu are amazing my love ... I  want this time to stop and no one comes between us.... . I wanted some alone time with you Anu  My plan is successful ... I think I need to proceed further .


Happy birthday Arjun Ananya wished Arjun and came with a cake ..

How dare you Anu !! Who are you to celebrate my birthday???  I don't want to remember this day it's the worst day of my life .. shouted Arjun and throw the cake

Ananya started crying , I.... I.... Am so sorry Arjun said Ananya and went towards her room.

Flashback ends

At night ::
Ananya and Arjun :

Anu please I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have shouted at you please forgive me ... Said Arjun.

It's okay Arjun I understand .

Anu actually I.. i...don't... !! Arjun stammered..

You don't need to say sorry or explain anything Arjun I ... Know now why you did that .. and I know the reason too.In fact I am sorry Arjun I couldn't understand your pain.

Wh.... Who told you ?

Shambhu kaka told me ..... Everything Arjun about your mother !! I am sorry he loves you a lot that's why he even apologised me on your behalf.

(Wondering who is this shambhu kaka?? Well he is the caretaker of Arjun's guest house in massuurie .. plus he took care of Arjun when Arjun was young. Don't have any one ,loves Arjun very much)

He... He... Told you everything?? An... And you're okay with it.

Why should I be offended Arjun it's not your fault.

I am sorry Anu said Arjun

I am in no position to forgive you Arjun you need to forgive your mother but first forgive yourself.

Why should I forgive her after all she has done to me and my father ?? That too on my birthday here I was exited for my birthday and she.. she just left me and my father alone. Tell me why should I forgive her why ??

Because you are harming yourself because of her. Tell me something when was the last time you slept peacefully??

Woh... Ah.... Ah.... !! Arjun didn't have any answer.

What happened ?? You don't have any answer am I right ??

Arjun you will have to move on in your life.. and you will be able to once you change your thinking. I am not saying that your mother did right thing or she was wrong I am no one to judge her. We are friends now and as a friend I don't want to see you in pain .

It's not that easy Anu you don't know what me and my father have been through all this time!!

I know Arjun it's easy to say move on but doing is most difficult. Sometimes     we get too stubborn in life which causes our unwanted wounds remain with us and we keep thinking what  happened, why it happened and why only with me?? And if you keep thinking about past You will do nothing besides harming yourself .

How can you be so sure that if I forgive her my pain will go away ??

Time heals all the wounds . Life doesn't end even if you are undergoing a pain Arjun.The pain that doesn't kill you will become your strength. If not today maybe tomorrow or maybe some time later you will have to forget  your pain and your hatered and move on or else your future and your good memories , everything will be reduced into ashes due to your hatered.

I ... I don't know Anu !! Will I be able to or not ??!! I hate myself for loving her.

Arjun people whom we love the most are the one who hurt us the most. After all we only see nicety of the people we love .We expect a lot from them and if they make any mistake we get hugely disappointed.Mistakes are made by humans only  . So why we treat humans as god? And expect them not to make any mistakes? Life isn't easy Arjun but that doesn't mean we live our lives in pain and in sadness.As a friend I am telling just let go all your pain and forgive her. Stop thinking about her ,think about your life and let happiness enter your life.

I.... I .... Dont know Anu said Arjun and kneel down covering his face.
Ananya too kneel down and remove Arjun's hand wipe his tears.

Arjun don't keep holding on to the past just let it go and let happiness make way in your present and future. As your friend I will always be there when you need me said Ananya keeping her palms on Arjun's face.


Yes promise!!!

Thank you.. thank you so much Ananya said Arjun and hugged Ananya .

Don't thank me Arjun after all what are friends for !! Said Ananya and hugged him back.

Enough of this emotional scene now come on let's have a new start with your birthday celebration !! I asked kaka to bring another cake.This time don't throw the cake like the first one.I can't afford to buy cake again and again ok !!! Said Ananya making Arjun smile.

They Celebrated Arjun's birthday  🎂🍾 . Arjun was happy celebrating his birthday. After the celebration all went to sleep. This was the first time Arjun slept peacefully in many years free from pain and hatred.

Please don't hate me for this chapter.

To be continued................................

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