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Artzy's POV
It was raining outside and I was completely soaked sitting on the sidewalk. The sound of thunder and cracking lighting was the only thing I could hear over the pouring rain. Yes, I had run away from Simon again. You see, Simon and me weren't the best of friends. There was something he disliked about me, which drove him to hate me unconditionally. We frequently got into arguments, he usually started them, which resulted in me running away for a while. I was a sensitive and very fragile person because I had been dealing with depression and anxiety, but no one knew that except JJ. The situation today was that Simon had once again made me feel worthless.
"You piece of shit no one wants you here can't you see that?!?"

"A...All I did was accidentally spill your drink I'm s..sorry." I said acknowledging the fact that I was just overly clumsy.

"Get the fuck out of this house and never come back!" Simon yelled pushing me. This was often a frequent thing he did when no one was around. He always acted so nice when the others were about. More hurtful things were yelled as I tried not to listen to them. One stuck though.

"Go kill yourself it's obvious that your stupidness makes you worthless! You're nothing!" Then, I did what he asked and left. I just kept walking in a random direction letting his words sink in. I didn't really notice it was raining until a car drove past and drenched me. I sat down against a wall, realizing I didn't know where I was and I could barley see in front of me.

Flashback over.
And that's how I got here. Soaked in water, sitting alone on the wet concrete. I knew Jide would attempt to come and find me. he always does. He was always my knight in shining armor and I hated that. JJ was always the one to come save me from things since we were little, regardless if they were dangerous or not. He didn't get that I could do things by myself. I wasn't a 5 year old girl anymore. I was 20; I didn't need saving.
It seemed like a couple hours had passed, my phone died, but the rain just wouldn't let up. I was cold and honestly I think I was getting hypothermia, but regardless I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to see his face again or hear his voice. It made me sick to my stomach just thinking about him. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice the voice shouting my name until it got closer. I couldn't make out the voice because my body had basically shut down all of it's other systems to try and keep me warm. Someone shook my shoulders and I opened my eyes, but I could barley make out who it was. Jesus I was so out of it.

"JJ?" I whispered as my teeth chattered because of the cold.

"Yeah that's right. Now come on we are getting you home immediately," I heard him say. JJ wrapped his jacket around me, picked me up bridal style, and started running in the direction he came from.

"Y..you were stupid e..enough to not bring a car," I said with a slight smile.

"Hey I was in a rush to find you ok," He said smiling back.
I estimated that a couple minutes had passed, and I started to get drowsy.

"H..hey Jide, I'm starting to feel tired," I said as my eyes were fluttering closed.

"Just try and stay awake for me ok? a little longer I promise Dragon. Keep talking to me," JJ replied a worried look on his face.

"You used my old nickname," I quietly said with a smile on my face. Jide used to frequently call me dragon for an unknown reason and it kind of just stuck. "Hey JJ, i can't stay awake any longer, I really want to go to bed," I whispered.

"No please don't. You know what happens when you your in serious condition and you fall asleep. I'm not letting last time repeat itself," He sternly said worry laced in his voice.

"I promise ill be ok, just 5 minutes," I said despite his pleads and I fell asleep.

What happened last time?

Dragon: a MiniMinter fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now