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Simon's POV

     I'm glad i found Artzy when i did. I had just finished recording with Josh and as i said i would, i went to her room. When i got there she was crying, saying words i couldn't comprehend. I ran over to her bedside trying my best to wake Artzy up. When my attempts didn't work i automatically turned to JJ as a solution. After Jide successfully woke Artzy up, i stayed in the doorway, respecting their privacy.  it broke my heart to see the pain she was going through, as i experience it quite often. She looked up at me through her tears and the best I could do was give her a sad smile in return. Backing out of the room, i returned to mine. Today had been a bit stressful as some of my videos didn't work out quite right. I Just wanted to lie down and go to bed, but i knew if i wanted these videos to go out on time i would have pull an all nighter. Sighing i once again sat down in my gaming chair hoping to get as much work done as possible. 

Artzy's POV

      My heart rate was still not at a normal pace, though I had somewhat calmed down. JJ was sitting beside me as i gave him a kind of side hug. 

     "Are you ok now?" he asked, checking for any sign of discomfort on my face. 

    "I don't know"  i replied unsure of how i felt at the moment. 

     Jide broke away from the hug and faced towards me. "Would you like me to stay with you?" he asked. 

    I hesitated and then quickly shook my head in response. "I feel bad because you always try to take care of me." 

     He smiled lightly. "I've done this for what, 21 years now? do you really think i would keep doing this if i didn't want to?" 

     i looked down at the bed sheets. "I think i'll be fine JJ." 

     "Your not fine." he interrupted me. I looked up at him in surprise as Jide always told me i was ok even in the worst situations. 

     "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." I argued but he shook his head disappointingly. 

     "Sometimes you have to except the fact that you need help."

     My mind went through all the times anyone had tried to help me and i had pushed them away. "I'm just scared JJ." I mumbled hugging him once again. 

     I don't know what happened after that as i assume i had fallen asleep.

     I woke up feeling cold. I guess it was finally becoming winter. It was always rainy and cloudy, never really cold enough to snow though. I sat up relieved that my hands weren't warm for once. Looking outside, i saw that there were gray clouds in the sky signaling that it would rain soon. I tried turning on my phone, only to realize i didn't plug it in last night. Having no sense of time, because i didn't have a clock for some reason, I pulled the covers back, stepping onto the cold white carpet.

     After making sure i looked decent, I opened my door and walked down the stairs. I figured someone would be awake right now but as i passed each floor, none of the lights were on. It seemed like a nightmare, and every step i took down the stairs made me feel more paranoid and alone. Reaching the bottom floor, I went to the kitchen. As i flipped the light switch on, I saw a note on the counter.

     Dear Artzy,                                                                                                                                     12:00 am

Me and the boys have gone out for the day and we aren't sure when we will be back. I didn't want to wake you up seeing as you already had a rough night. I'm not sure when you will see this but be safe. Don't do anything you'll regret. 

                          - Love, Jide

     I set the note down and sighed. I still didn't know what time it was and at the moment I was still very paranoid. 

     "Get it together Artzy, your acting like a baby." i mumbled to myself as i set my destination for my room again.

     It was now 8:00 pm since i had last checked my phone (which i charged), and i had already gone to the coffee shop and the park. I heard a door shut and I sat up quickly unaware of who might be here. 

     "Artzy?" I heard a familiar voice shout my name. 

     All traces of fear left my body as a let out a sigh of relief. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, meeting a tall lanky blond smiling back at me. 

     "Oh thank goodness i'm not alone anymore." I gushed hugging him briefly. 

     "Wow didn't know you missed me that much." he laughed. 

     "Did you guys go drinking again?" I asked, the smell of alcohol still lingering on his clothes. 

     Simon chuckled shaking his head, "Sort of," he replied ",I got a little tipsy and decided it was best if i came home." 

     "You drove while drunk?!?" 

     "No i didn't do that. I took an uber home and left my keys with Tobi." He argued holding his head. 

     I realized he was probably a little more 'Tipsy' than he thought. 

     "Go upstairs and go to bed. I'll go get you some pain killers." I complied.

     After getting some Advil and water, I walked into Simon's room to see he wasn't there. I turned around and walked into my room setting the stuff on the bedside table. 

     "What do you think your doing Mr?" I asked, watching as Simon scrolled through Netflix on my TV. 

     "I wanna watch a show with you." he smiled as i gave him a disapproving look. 

     "You know you should be sleeping right now." He shrugged ignoring my statements. 

     "I wanna be with you." 

     I didn't argue. I was just happy i wasn't alone anymore.

Simon's POV

    Long after picking a show, and many episodes in, the effects of alcohol wore off and Artzy had fallen asleep. She was laying on my shoulder as i subconsciously played with her hair. I really came home earlier because i felt bad that Artzy was alone by herself. Unluckily for me, I already had to many shots at that point. JJ threatened me, knowing it would just be the two of us in the house. 

     "You try anything, and i mean anything, and you'll be as good as dirt when i get back." He had said. 

    I sighed turning off the TV and checking the time on my phone. It was about 12:30 am and I knew Vikk, Josh, and Jide would be home soon. Slowly I got out of the duvet, letting the cold air hit me, only now realizing how tired i really was. A smaller hand grabbed mine and i turned toward the other side of the bed. 

     "Where are you going?" she asked me. 

     "I've got to go. Everyone will be home soon." I whispered back, careful not to fully wake her up. 

     "Stay. i don't want you to go yet." She insisted. 

     I shook my head "Artzy I have to. You know JJ would kill me if i was in here." 

     "Please?" she begged, and i couldn't resist the sadness in her voice. 

     "Fine but only for a little while." I said throwing my shirt off and getting back into the soft sheets.

      Artzy rolled over and cuddled up to my bare chest. 

     "She doesn't know what shes saying." i told myself. "Its the tiredness that's getting to her."

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