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Artzy's POV
     Simon and I both got thrown apart. 

     "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE?!?" He questioned. 

     We both looked at each other before looking at him. 

     "HM? TELL ME!" 

      None of us said anything, just sitting in the pouring rain. 

     "We're going home. Let's go." JJ said walking away. 

     When none of us followed, he turned around, walked over to me, and grabbed my hand pulling me with him. 

     "Hey! Don't grab her like that!" Simon said standing up. 

     "And what do you have to say about it?" JJ argued turning around. 

     "Your obviously hurting her! Right Artzy?" Simon assumed. 

     Both of them looked at me, waiting for an answer as I stayed quiet knowing whatever I said would make a big difference. The pressure was getting to me and my main instinct was to run away, so that's what I did. Somehow I managed to get my wrist loose from JJ's and I bolted in the direction of the house. 

     "Artzy what the hell do you think your doing?!?" 

     I could hear their footsteps behind me but I kept running. I was not about to face their questions and my problems at that moment. It was to much pressure and to much stress. When I reached the house I opened the front door, thankful it was unlocked, and ran up to my room. I shut the brown wooden door and slid down on the hard surface. Sighing, I ran my wet hands down my face and tried to relax. I'm such a coward.

Vik's POV
     I was aware that something had been going on for the past hour or so, but I was not willing to go out there. Well, not until Josh came into my room. 

     "Hey Vik. I'm not sure if your busy or something but Artzy's kind of locked herself in her room again and we need your help." He stated. 

     "I sighed getting up from my chair and following Josh up the stairs.
     When I got to her room, Simon was on the floor with his head in his hands while JJ was looking pissed off in the corner. 

     "What did someone do this time?" I asked looking at the scene that had unfolded in front of me. 

      "This idiot made a big mistake." JJ angrily said. 

     Simon gave him a look of disgust in return, "I didn't do anything. I made her happy and you had to go and ruin it!" He argued standing up. 

      "Yeah sure, I 'ruined it'. I stopped her from getting involved in your dangerous mess!" 

     JJ pushed Simon into Artzy's door and I knew I had to stop him before it got worse. I tried to step between the two but I failed. Simon retaliated and pushed JJ into the wall. I tried holding Simon back while Josh got Jide. This was gonna be a difficult task. 

Artzy's POV
     I didn't exactly know what was going on behind my door but I tried to ignore it. First I shut my window. Then I changed out of my wet clothes and face planted onto my bed. Putting my pillow over my head, I tried to drown out the yelling. I knew that it was my fault any of this was happening and I should go out there and stop it, but i just couldn't. I couldn't face them. I was disappointed and angry with myself. I put the pillow down and grabbed a piece of paper. Burning the paper out of frustration, I quickly realized the mistake I made. I shouldn't use my fire for anger purposes but I couldn't help it. I tried again but I failed and ended up burning my arm.
     After 5 minutes of taking my anger out on different things, I had several burns on my arms and even a few on my legs. I hadn't intended to hurt myself, it kind of just happened. I put on a hoodie to cover my burns and laid back down in bed. The noises had gone away and I assumed they had stopped arguing. A couple minutes later and I was drifting into a deep sleep, wondering how I had got into this mess.

     Vik had thankfully stopped me from beating up Simon and we were both sitting in our rooms, away from each other. I thought it was best if I checked up on Artzy. I always had a spare key to her room, so I grabbed It and quietly slipped out of my room, unnoticed. I walked up the stairs and to her room. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, silently closing it behind me. I turned on the light and walked over to her bed. Turning Artzy over I saw her hoodie sleeve roll up slightly. Intrigued, i rolled it up farther. I gasped as I saw burns covering her arm. I checked her other hand and saw the same thing. Shaking Artzy awake, she sat up rubbing her head. 

     "What do you want JJ." I could tell she was annoyed and I didn't want to push her further, so I tried my best to be subtle about it. 

     "Why do you have burns marks on your hand?" 

     She huffed, "no reason." 

      I was desperate to know the answer so I started to assume. "Did Simon do this to you? Because if he did I will," 

      "No Jide," she interrupted, 

     ",I did it to myself." 

     "You what? How? Why would you even do that?" I questioned not sure how to react. 

     "It was an accident. I took my anger out on myself ok." 

     I hugged Artzy hoping she would never do something like that again. "Don't be mad at yourself. It's not your fault. Just don't get near Simon again." 

     She pushed me away from her. "Stop saying that. I can be with who I want to be and you can't stop me. Simon's a nice guy ok. Stop telling me he's bad." Artzy protested. 

     I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand because you don't remember. Yeah Simon's my best mate but he was so mean to you in the beginning. You remember that part right?" I asked trying to convince her. 

     Artzy looked down guiltily. "He was mean. But he's changed JJ. I promise you Si has." 

      I stood up. "Suite yourself. But don't come crying back to me when you get hurt. Now go back to bed." 

     I walked out of her room and back to mine. I hadn't meant to sound that harsh but it was the truth. He could turn bad in an instant. I had seen it happen and I didn't want Artzy to experience that again, regardless if she remembered it. This was going to be a long night.

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