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Artzy's POV
     When I woke up I was in JJ's room, not entirely sure how I got there. Yawning, I looked down at my hands wrapped in white gauze. How the hell did everything escalate so fast? One minute I was in the mall the next I had super powers. I sighed and got out of bed trying to rid my head of any thoughts I had. As I walked down the stairs I was met by Simon walking back up. 

     "What's up tomato head, be more productive instead of waking up at 4pm." He said walking by.

     I didn't say a word and just kept walking. When I reached the kitchen I got a glass of water and sat down on a stool. About a minute later, JJ walked into the room. 

     "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked looking up from his phone. 

     "You don't have to worry about me Jide I'm fine." I said taking a sip of my water. 

     "The doctor said you need to rest, so your going back to bed after you eat something." 

     "Ok mom." I laughed as JJ got me whatever kind of food he found in he fridge.
     After a lot of convincing from Jide, I finally went back upstairs and laid in bed. Now that I think about it he was right. I didn't really feel like talking with anyone or going anywhere. JJ 'tucked me into bed' and then left for his daily training. As I laid in bed I thought about what i could do with my new found "powers". Despite my efforts I couldn't seem to do anything exciting but make a few sparks. I relaxed and let my mind wander. After a few minutes my chest started to get hot and I looked down to see my hand on fire. Quickly I waved my hand and blew on it until the flame went out. So now it wants to work. I mumbled in my head. At this point I was to tired to care if I set myself on fire, and I let my hands dangle off the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but it worked. Finally I dozed off to sleep.

Simon's POV
    It was my turn to check up on Artzy, so I headed upstairs to JJ's room. I knocked on the door waiting to see if she was awake. When there was no answer I opened the door to see Artzy sleeping. Slowly, I walked over to the bed and sat down in Jide's gaming chair. I admired Artzy as she was sleeping. To me it wasn't weird, I saw it as a way of getting to know someone. Even if i did know most things about her already. As I sat there, I thought about way back before the accident....


     "Simon stop!" Artzy giggled as I tickled her. 

    "Whats the magic word?" i managed to say between my laughs. 

     "Please!" she said back still giggling uncontrollably. 

     I showered Artzy with affectionate kisses while she struggled to get out from beneath me. Suddenly i was pushed off the bed and onto the ground. 

   "Ok, ok i get it!" I laughed sitting up on the floor.  

     Artzy leaned over the side of the bed and looked at me, a smile on her face. "Come on you've got videos to record with the boys we don't have time to play around right now."  

    I smiled back at her and got up off the floor. "Ok maybe later ill do something nice for you." 

    It was simpler moments like these that i enjoyed the most. Its a shame something had to go and ruin it.

~~Flashback Over~~

Artzy's POV

   I woke up to sunlight bursting through JJ's transparent curtains. How long was i asleep?  I wondered as i picked up my phone to check the time. 

     "Great 8am, just the time I wanted to wake up." I sighed. 

    JJ had already left for his morning training and the Sidemen house seemed awfully quiet. No raging Josh, no Vikk playing his piano, no Simon freaking out about losing. I sat up and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. JJ's red silk covers were nice, but I think I should get up. Standing up was probably the worst mistake of my life. I immediately felt dizzy and i got a sudden pain in my head. Maybe he was right i should stay in bed. I thought for about the millionth time. I wasn't going to let that stop me though. Despite my body's urge, I stood up and walked over to the door. I walked downstairs and somehow made myself a cup of tea despite the pain in my head. After that i walked into the living room and laid down on the couch. How could i feel so helpless. I sighed and eventually let myself fall asleep once again.


     I walked into the Sidemen house, as i had just come back from training, and walked upstairs. My first thought when i got home was to check up on Artzy, even though i assumed she would be awake right now. When i opened my door I noticed she wasn't in bed. This immediately alarmed me as Artzy wasn't supposed to be moving around lot. I sprinted p the stairs and checked her room, No one. Ok maybe she just went for a walk. I told myself. As i walked downstairs. The one place i hadn't checked was the living room and i prayed to god that she was down there. To my relief Artzy was asleep on the couch. i sighed and walked over to her. I noticed the half-full cup of cold tea in her hands, and i assumed Artzy fell asleep unknowingly. I took the cup from her hands and placed it on the coffee table. Picking up Artzy i walked up the stairs and brought her to her room. 

     "I've got videos to record see you later." I said quietly, pulling the covers over her. 

     I have to let Artzy do things by herself, I cant keep doing this.

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