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(Sorry for all the dialogue)
Artzy's POV
     It had probably been about 2 months and things in my life hadn't gotten easier. My headaches became more constant, sometimes I would accidentally light things on fire, and don't get me started with Simon. Every day was a new challenge with him. On rare occasions he was nice others he was outrageously mean. You know I thought Simon changed, but I guess that's not the case.
    So that leaves me to where I am now. Sitting in bed, staring at the ceiling as usual. JJ told me to stay inside so that's what i was doing. On good days, meaning the mornings when I wasn't in pain and my hands weren't orange, I would go to work. Today wasn't one of them. Kumo and Savana sometimes came over on the days they were off. It was nice having company that didn't constantly pester me.
     Staring at the plain white ceiling was starting to make my head spin so I turned to the window. I had left it cracked open so the cool breeze blew into my room. It was currently 12am and I still wasn't asleep. Some days I didn't sleep at all, and some days i slept until the sun shown into my face in the late hours of the afternoon. I think tonight was one where I couldn't sleep. Slowly I got out of bed and walked towards the window. It lead to the roof since I was on the top floor, and I saw this as an opportunity to go outside. I made my bed and quietly slipped out of the window and onto the roof. I took out my phone and took a picture of the stars.

246 likes    15 commentsBeautiful Night 🌟 @ArtzyFanAcc: Snatching Joshes weave!@KsiStan: I thought you were hurt?@ImFineCauseSheFine:^ she is but it couldn't hurt to go out

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246 likes 15 comments
Beautiful Night 🌟
@ArtzyFanAcc: Snatching Joshes weave!
@KsiStan: I thought you were hurt?
@ImFineCauseSheFine:^ she is but it couldn't hurt to go out.
@Artzmon: where's the tall boy?
@KsiXArtzy: Omg how are you so perfect 🔥🔥🔥
@Random: Your photography skills are perfect!

     I smiled at some of the comments. How could people be so nice? Suddenly I heard something that sounded like footsteps. 

     "It's probably one of the guys with there messed up sleep schedule." I thought ignoring the sound. 

     I heard another sound at my window so I looked down to see what it was. I wasn't happy nor sad to see the familiar tall blond staring back at me. Sighing I sat back in my spot at the top of the slanted roof. 

    "There you are." Grunted Simon pulling himself up into the roof. "I was worried sick about you." 

     I ignored his statements and continued to look at the stars. 

    "Silent treatment huh?" 

     Still no response... "I thought you were nice." I muttered quietly. 

    "I am." Simon said confused. 

     I sighed looking down. "Hasn't seemed like it. You haven't changed at all." 

    "I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated." He concluded. 

     "With what if you don't mind me asking?" 



     "Yeah. I just can't get certain thoughts out of my head." Simon said disappointed in himself. 

     "How does that relate to me?" I asked. 

     "Because it's all about you." He continued. "There all just past thoughts so it doesn't matter." 

     I frowned at him. "If telling me the truth will make you better then ill listen." I confessed.

     A light bulb went off in Simon's head and his existent frown turned into a smile. "Really?" He said looking at me. 

     I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Yeah. If you want to." 

     Simon's face suddenly changed with realization of something. "What if you don't take it the right way? And what if JJ finds out? What if..." 

     "stop with the what if's and focus on now." I shushed, putting my index finger over his mouth.      Silently I sat with my legs crossed and my mouth shut, ready to listen to what the tall boy wanted to say. 

     "So, well, where do you remember up to?" He asked. 

    "I remember all the way until everyone was over and we were playing a drinking game. That's it." I recalled, thinking about it. 

     "Oh gosh, this is going to be a long night."

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