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Artzy's POV
     "What the fuck.... Si? What are you doing in here?" Simon hesitated, and I could see why. 

     How do you explain that you confessed your undying love for someone and then saved them, all in pouring rain. 


     "I was on the roof again." I stepped in, already anticipating my punishments. 

     "What how?!? I blocked up the window!" 

     "I, climbed the side of the house?" I whispered, my voice getting softer with every word. 

     JJ shook his head in disappointment. "And where do you come into this Simon?" 

     "I...I got her off the roof." He stuttered. 

     JJ nodded his head in response. "Simon out, I'll deal with you later. I wanna talk with Artzy." 

      Simon stopped holding the towel around me and backed out of the room. 

     "You," He said turning around after shutting the door. ",Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to get on the roof? I already told you it's not safe." 

     I avoided eye contact and looked around the room. "Um. I don't know." I responded, hoping I could get away with it. 

     "Look at me." 

     I didn't look. 

     "I said look at me Artzy." 

     I stopped staring at the ground and looked up. 

     "I don't know, is not an answer. Now why were you on the roof." 

     I stood still not knowing what to say. "I wanted to practice my powers?" I said unsure if that was a "real" answer. 

     "Why didn't you just come ask me about it? For all I know you could have burned the house down." JJ stated. 

     "I just, like to do stuff on my own." I retaliated taking a step back from him.

      My phone buzzed but before I could grab it he did. 

     "Do you wanna come over to my room later tonight and watch Netflix again? I want to talk about earlier and I'll wake you up before JJ sees like last time?" He read quietly. 

     "What the fuck does this mean?" 

    I stood still, my face a bright red. 

     "You guys have been secretly fucking each other this whole time haven't you?!?" He asked his words getting louder with each sentence. 

     My voice was just above a whisper, as I was scared to death of the outcome. "We don't have sex JJ....We just, hang out...." I protested. 

     He was still angry despite what I had said. "Yeah sure! Sleeping in each other's beds, watching Netflix together, cuddling! you don't find any of that sexual?!? Your mad to think that's normal friend behavior!" 

     I opened my mouth to say something, but I had no answer. JJ was right. Whatever me and Simon were, it wasn't just friends. 

     "I told you to stay away from him Artzy. He's dangerous.." 

     "What makes him so bad JJ? It's one of the only things I haven't been told about him." I interrupted. 

     Jide paused. "I'm going to talk to Simon." He declared setting my phone down. 

     I leaped for the phone as he walked toward the door. Quickly pulling up messages I texted Simon.

     JJ's is going to your room and he's really mad. Just a warning. 

     The message was read in seconds but I got no reply. 

     "SIMON?!?" I heard from across the hall.

     I was about to go investigate when a taping noise came from my window. Turning around, I saw a familiar face leaning over the edge. 

     "Come on!" He said reaching out a rain soaked hand. 

     I looked at my door and then back at my window. Grabbing his hand, I was pulled onto the roof. 

     "What are you doing?!? You know JJ's gonna kill us both." I reminded him. 

     "He was mad at us anyway." Simon retaliated. 

     Nodding my head in response, we saw Jide lean his head out of the window. 


     I laughed grabbing Simon's hand. Since I had been up here so many times I knew different ways to get down. I also considered that Simon didn't have the footwork i had, and he couldn't get off the roof as easily. We slid down the side and onto the edge. 

     "Your hands are really warm." Simon said out of nowhere. 

     I ignored his statement and stepped onto a small overhang on a window. 

     "Just shut up and follow me." I managed to say over the pouring rain.
     After a lot of convincing from me to Simon, we reached the ground. He was the one to lead me this time and he started running away from the house. We laughed as we heard JJ's muffled demands in the distance. Simon led me to the park and under a tree. It wasn't the best of cover, as we were still getting soaked. We both sat down completely out of breath. 

     "That was fun." I panted, my breathing still heavy. 

     "Yeah, it was. About earlier though.." He looked up at me as I looked at the ground. 

     I tried not to be scared of what he was going to say. "What about it?" 

     "You know I meant everything I said right? And I know that you may not feel the same and even if you do I know that you probably aren't ready for a relationship. But I really like you Artzy. Like a lot. And it's ok if you reject me because that's what I expect. but I love you Artzy. I said it Ok." 

     There was silence except for the pounding rain and the sound of lightning cracking in the dark night sky. I had only realized how close we were as I felt his minty breath on my face. The light from the streetlights illuminated his face and all his features. Maybe it was because of the rain or the lighting, but Simon looked so handsome sitting right in front of me. 

(I hate writing crap like this but it was to cliche, I had to.)

     I looked up at him as Simon's eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. I don't think either of us could resist, it was just to perfect. 

     "Oh god just kiss me already." I whispered smashing my lips against his. 

     I put my hands around his neck as his hands found their way to my waist. Unfortunately our perfect moment had to end at some point. We both pulled away for air, our faces resembling a look of shock. 

    "Did we just..?" I asked speechless. 

     Simon didn't respond. He just put his lips back on mine in a more passionate kiss. It was possibly the best thing that happened all day.

     I ran out of the house after them. After a couple blocks I gave up running and started walking. I knew where they were going, it was obvious.
     As I approached the park I looked around for any sign of my friends. It was 11pm for god sakes and I was standing in the rain. I looked Around and spotted what I think were Simon and Artzy. As I walked closer, I saw something I didn't want to see. My 2 best friends kissing each other.

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