Chapter 24

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(Delilahs POV)

Jay: Zoinks

Kayla: why

Jay: hm

Delilah: jaybird

Delilah: u gay

Melody: oooO she got u there m8

Delilah: I just got back from therapy it was hella lit

Melody: Huh?

Delilah: idk it wasn't that bad

Melody: see! I told You!

Delilah: we talked a bit and she offered me candy which was creppt but I took some so

Melody: I'm concerned

Jay: cHacHoW

Delilah: bless you, I think you need to see a doctor

Kayla: nah let him die

Jay: but-!

Melody: *sweats heavily*

Kayla: oh god no don't

Delilah: pizza off

Delilah: piss off* tf

Kayla: Ö That's a no no word

Delilah: I have sinned

Melody: s!nner

Kayla: I'm disappointed

Jay: achoo

Delilah: *sweats heavily*

Delilah: you bless

Melody: can I come over ?

Delilah: nO my side hoe is here rn sorry

Kayla: yeah me ;)

Melody: square up bitch

Delilah: idek you Kayla tf

Kayla: facts

Jay: tweet tweet

Delilah: look at all those chickens

Kayla: I miss club penguin

Melody: same rip in peace

Delilah: w a d d l e

Melody: puffle on my wrist

Delilah: tf is a puffle

Jay: you're kidding r ighy

Delilah: nO I'm not my childhood sucked

Jay: wtf how you're parents are fucking amazing

Delilah: your* and no, Brendon and Dallon adopted me this year

Jay: ..oh I keep forgetting your adopted sorry

Melody: I love how despite the fact that you have two dads, he forgets they aren't your biological parents that's what's beautiful

Delilah: that makes me feel better actually, thanks jaybird

Jay: I gotchu

Jay: we should all hang out someday

Delilah: I'm a loser irl nah

Melody: she's right

Delilah: >:(

Melody: I'm coming over whether you like it or not

Delilah: k

Kayla: wow much excitement

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