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Here's what my image of the MC looks like. I do not own this picture. Enjoy!


Screams of children playing around could be heard as they ran past a darkened room. Although dirty with mud streaking their clothes their faces clouded a little as they had to go back to the bedroom situated at the end of the hallway. Not noticing the whispers of help that ghosted their backs as they past the door where the sounds originated from. Had they been more attentive or even gave the slightest care, they would have stumbled upon the caved in floorboards of the tiny closet.

Beneath the hole lay a small boy, he was curled up around his sunken stomach as pangs of hunger and thirst raked his pitiful body. His black hair shadowed his equally black eyes while his tongue occasionally darted past his lips that was eroded from their original red to a shockingly pale white. Occasionally his legs twitched as his muscles cramped up but he was too lightheaded to do anything but hold himself in his arms as he whimpered out to anyone who would bother to help him. He secretly knew though that nobody in the room upstairs would do anything even if they did hear. After all, one less mouth to feed means more money to pocket from the orphanage welfare check and a tiny bit more food in the stomach of the other kids.

All the orphans under the Sunny Enrichment orphanage learned they had to be out for themselves real quick. Misha was no exception. Despite that Misha didn't want to die in a dirty hole like a stray dog. Survival was the number one priority, he wasn't above begging if it meant he could live another day to fight a fate that seem to want to push him into despair.

He had tried everything to escape from the hole. He tried to create a dirt mountain to climb up but soon met with cement underneath the thin layer of dust. He tried breaking one of the beams holding up the house by sawing the thick wood with a piece of chipped concrete but all it was too much for his malnourished body. He even made a lasso out of the drawstring holding up his pants so he could half climb, half drag himself up but he could only climb halfway out of the sides of the wall until it was completely smoothed out so he could not reach higher.

Misha did not want to give up but he body betrayed him. His legs collapsed from underneath him and from his throat was rubbed raw from shouting for help from morning til night and lack of water. His eyes blurred as his body was shutting down and he gave one primal cry filled with despair, anger, hopelessness, unwillingness but most of all unfufillment. Even so, his voice was too weak to even penetrate the closet door.

He clenched his fist understanding that a 16 year old boy can't do anything to defy fate but he did not accept it. He didn't unclench his fist even as death clench him in its own.

A short time later a ball of light appeared in front of the boy.

[System host recognized. Transfer to system space initializing in 3....2....1....]

[Don't worry host, your cry was heard]


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