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As soon as he realized he had a body he immediately ducked behind a nearby crate. Just as he moved a round of shots and several daggers imbedded themselves into the wall he was just standing at. There was no further projectiles flying at the crate he hid behind.

(I knew something would attack me as soon as I came to this world. If this world is even more dangerous than the previous one then I can't let my guard down even if I'm just stepping into this world.)

Misha held still as he took in his surroundings and listened to the sources of the sound of attacks happening in front of him. He found he was inside a warehouse looking building, probably near the docks as he could smell the rancid stench of polluted sea water and decayed sea creatures. From what he could tell, he was in the middle of a gang war or something as the opposing parties were hurling weapons at either side of him.

(Wyatt, what's with this world? Why are they fighting?)

[This world is more troublesome than the last. It is similar to the world you originally came from but imagine it as if there were only two countries that were constantly at war. This world comprises of two powers, the first is the security group while the other is the assassin group. The two groups fighting in front of you right now belong to those powers. There are other countries but they all have their own security and assassin groups within them as well. It is obvious why they are on opposite sides as their duties clash but as a result the progress of the world has stagnated.]

(How the hell am I supposed to find happiness in a world like this? Whatever. I'll find Kai first, as long as I'm with him I don't really care what kind of world we live in. Dammit how long are they going to be fighting for? I can't move from this spot!)

He could tell how formidable the two sides were from the moment he entered this world. In addition to finding a hiding spot as soon as he came in he also used his stealth skills but he was still found out! Leaving while they were on edge wasn't an option.

Eventually the sounds of combat diminished as one side pulled away, carrying away their wounded in tow. From the sound of it or rather lack of, the assassins were the victors this time. They successfully killed the target.

Misha kept as still as he could and blended in with his background. He hoped they had forgotten him. He planed to wait out the assassins when his head started to ache.

(Tch. Not now! It's been a while since it's come back, why does it have to be now!)

The pain was unbearable but he tried his best not to move, hoping it would go away soon. As if laughing at his situation, the headache only got worse. Even so he couldn't afford to move around, both sides of the fight were pros when it came to fighting and detecting presences in the case of ambushes. He waited two hours like that but he couldn't be sure if they left. He slowly moved inch by inch to check if they were gone. When he finally turned around, he was faced with a single figure standing on the other side of the crate watching him.

Mysterious man: "Well hello little mouse, that was pretty impressive. Two hours of waiting without moving and only cautiously moving after the sounds of the docks returned to normal function. Hey kid, what's your mission?"

(Why does everyone always compare me to small animals?)

Despite the off key thought, Misha was watching the man in front of him very carefully. At first glance he seemed to be full of holes with his leisure stance but Misha couldn't find any opportunity to slip past him. He also noticed the man's hands were naturally hovering over the concealed weapons hidden near his thigh and the sharp glint in his eyes before he covered it with the easygoing mask.

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