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Sorry for the wait! But hey this chapter is twice as long as the normal ones so cut me some slack~


Keith: "Bobby! Wait!"

Believing it to be long enough, Misha left Joe on the ground to succumb to his injuries. After checking with Wyatt on the best time to leave his cover, he ran out just as a round of pebbles shot through the leather couch he was just hiding in. Ironically Bobby didn't see that Misha left Joe behind and ended up killing him.

Keith: "You idiot! Why didn't you listen to me! You killed Joe you stupid son of a bitch!"

Bobby: "W-What? It wasn't me! It's that goddamn kid's fault! He made me do it! It's not my fault!"

Keith had a niggling feeling in the back of his mind but he was so angry he ignored it at the moment. He had enough, he couldn't stand Bobby's stupidity any longer and decided it would be better to control him in his berserk state instead. Moving to a safe distance he used his ability to break Bobby's mind. Unlike Bart whose mind only a slight push over the edge after the death of his wife, Bobby's mind break was a slow and painful process.

Bobby: "A-A-AAAAAH! Keith! What are you doing?! Stop! I-It hurts!"

Keith: "I should have done this in the beginning."

Bobby went from screaming to cursing and finally to primal growls. All the while Misha was doing his best to try to interrupt the process but Keith had already made Bart distract Misha. It was troublesome enough to have one person in berserk mode but to add another with the ability most incompatible to Misha's lightning was another. In addition to that Keith would be sniping from a distance, he needed to stop Bobby from going berserk.

However try as he might, Misha was unable to get past Bart. Seeing how futile his efforts were Misha decided he would need to take out Bart first. Compared to the other ability users he had taken out, Bart seemed to have some experience in fighting. Judging from his tattoos he was probably in a street gang or grew up in a bad neighborhood. The city's ghetto area symbol was sitting snugly across his arm.

Misha wasn't able to get much headway when fighting with Bart as Bart was more experienced with hand to hand combat than Misha. For every punch given, one was returned and every kick received was narrowly blocked.

The only advantage Misha had were the shocks he could administer with every blow they exchanged. At first they were unnoticeable under Bart's berserk state but they gradually forced Bart's fists to have longer delays as they were shaking from the tremors caused by the electricity. Not only that but the longer they fought the more experience Misha was able to absorb into his own skills. Gradually, Misha became able to predict Bart's movements and even imitate some of his moves. The power of Misha's memory was not to be underestimated.

Seeing how distracted Keith was with Bobby, Misha decided he needed to finish off Bart immediately. Jumping back, Misha was able to put some distance between them before he supercharged a small dagger hidden within his coat and threw it at Bart. Since Bart was "set" to distract mode, he wasn't allowed to dodge despite the obvious danger the dagger emitted. Instead he tried to melt the dagger with his flames but Misha's daggers were coated with in an ability stronger than his own so it had no effect.

The dagger was closely followed by two more which pierced through his neck, forehead and heart. Misha swiftly slipped in front of Bart and grabbed a hold of his daggers before slamming Bart down to the floor.

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