Chapter 28

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"Where the hell is Flynn?" I exclaim, panic filling my voice.

Rachael and Rosie mirror my worried expression, each of us looking for an answer. I don't know what happened after the lights went off. All I remember were lots of bodies moving around and screams filling the air.

"I don't remember seeing him. I could barely see five feet in front of me." Rachael says.

"The minute the lights went off, I was out the door." Rosie tells me.

"We have to find him." I say, already getting out of the car.

The three of us make our way down the street and towards the club. By the time we arrive, the club has been deserted, with only a few people milling around. We agree to split up, so we can cover more ground.

I make sure I have my gun close to me, in case I need to use it. I slowly make my way into the club. I hear deep voices coming from the VIP area. All men.

The power has been turned back on, but the lights have been dimmed. I hide behind a tipped over table and peek over towards the VIP area.

Scanning the room, I spot Rosie hiding behind the now deserted DJ booth. Looking to my left, I see Rachael peeking from the bar. I make eye contact with both of them and nod my head towards the VIP area.

There's six men from what I can see. Two of them are the men with the briefcases, including Austin. They're all standing in a circle. I need to get closer. Thankfully, all the men seem to be distracted so I sneak over to the bar, which is closest to the VIP area.

I motion for Rosie to stay where she is, a plan already forming in my brain. I'll have Rosie be a distraction while Rachael and I get Flynn out.

"I have a plan." I whisper to Rachael.

She nods for me to go on.

"Rosie can pretend to be lost, or in need of help. We can sneak over to Flynn and get him out." I tell Rachael.

Rachael quietly scoffs, "There's an obvious problem Rowan. There's three of us and six of them!"

"Yes, I'm not stupid. I can count. But you know what? We have the surprise attack on our side. Plus, I grabbed a smoke bomb from the car before we came back."

Rachael gives me a sly grin, "Nice thinking." She pauses, thinking. "I still think this is risky."

"It is risky, but we have to at least try." I grin at Rachael, "Besides, has danger ever stopped us from doing something?"

She lets out a quiet chuckle, "No. No, it has not."

I text Rosie about our plan and she gives me a thumbs up from behind the DJ booth. In a quick second, she rushes back outside. I keep low in my crouch position and move closer to the VIP area. There's still six men, however, two of them look to be distracted with something on their phone.

They're all armed, but luckily, we are too.

As Rachael and I are waiting, I hear Rosie's voice.

"Hello? Is anyone still here?" Rosie slurs slightly.

I hear the grunt of a man and then footsteps.

"What do you want girlie?" A deep voice asks.

"I think I dropped my purse outside, but I can't find it." I hear Rosie sniffle, "I can't find my purse and I love my purse. I need a taxi too but there's none outside."

I can just tell Rosie's pouting. She's always been a great actress.

"No. We can't help you. Now get out!" The same voice yells.

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