Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

" Your getting stronger." Chloe told me as I stared up at the dark sky. " I wish I knew why I had this power, Chloe. Maybe then, I would know what do with it."

" Are you okay?" Jane asked placing a hand on my shoulder, causing me to nearly jump off the ship as I pulled away. " Sorry, I forgot." She said as I rubbed my shoulder, trying to get the feeling back in it. " I'm fine." I told her, answering her question. " What we just did is my everyday life."

" Where do you think it came from? This power that you have?" She asked and I shrugged. " The same place as the Aether, or the Tesseract, I guess. Chloe says that, once all the pieces have been put in place, I will know the truth. If someone had told me a year go, that my life was this big puzzle, I would have laughed in thier face. "

" Well, you didn't laugh in my face exactly." Loki called out, and I rolled my eyes. " According to my parents, they knew right away that I wasn't normal, that I was different from other kids." I explained before I let out a small laugh. " They thought I was a mutant at first, but-"

" A what?" Thor questioned in confusion.

" A mutant." Jane said." They're humans with powers, powers beyond possibility."

" Superspeed, pyrokinesis, telepathy, you name it." I added. " Anyway, my mom took me to S.H.E.I.L.D., and ran some tests."

" And?" Jane asked and I looked away. " I dont know, I ran out of the house when they told me that they weren't my parents. I was so angry that I didn't even read thier minds. The last thing I told her was that she wasn't my mother. "

Something flickered in Loki's eyes but it was gone just as quick.

As we got closer to where the dark elves would be, I had a quick mental conversation with Dahlia. " Wait, you want me to-"

" Just until we get rid of the Aether." 

" Awesome, I get to beat up some dark elves."

Third Person POV

As Aria leaned back against the side of the ship, Dahlia appeared next to her, a grin plastered on her face. " Wipe the look off your face, this isn't a game, Dahlia." Chloe said appearing a second later and Dahlia rolled her eyes, before reaching out to take Aria's hand. Aria let out a gasp as Dahlia took over and Jane stared at her in shock as Aria's eyes took on the same shade of red as Dahlia's. " So, where did Aria go?" Jane asked.

" Shes in there." Chloe assured. " Think of it as if someone had multiple personality disorder, only we can all be present at once, and we can only truly take over the main mind, meaning Aria, if she allows it. When this happens, Aria's mind is put into a comatose like state."

" So, Aria is asleep." Jane stated.

" In a way." Chloe responded. " Once either Dahlia, or I have taken full control, Aria is no longer present, and can neither hear, or see what is going on. Shes completely unaware."

" Which means more fun for me."

" Dahlia." Chloe snapped and she rolled her eyes before looking over when they spotted a large ship in the distance. Loki hid the ship and they made thier way up the ridge that over looked the valley below where the dark elves were gathering. " Are you ready?" Thor asked Jane.

" I am."

" Me too." Dahlia said before ducking behind the ridge. Her form shimmered before vanishing from sight, leaving the others on the ridge while she snuck closer to the dark elves. All part of the plan of course, as Loki kicked Thor down the hill with Jane chasing after them. Loki kicked him back down when he tried to get up, before slicing off Thor's hand when he tried to summon his hammer back. Jane ran to his side, but Loki grabbed her around the waist and turned his attention to the approaching dark elves. " Malekieth, I am Loki of Jotuhiem, and I bring you a gift." He said before shoving Jane to the ground as he added. " I want only one thing in return: A good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

Malekieth walked over to Thor, who was still struggling on the ground. " Look at me." He demanded before kicking Thor over onto his back, then without breaking eye contact from Thor he lifted Jane into the air and began to extract the Aether from her body.

" Loki, Dahlia, now." Thor ordered. Dahlia came of nowhere, before round housed kicking two of the dark elves in the face. Then, She pulled a pair of daggers out of thin air, and drove them into the backs of the two fallen elves, seconds before Thor blasted the Aether with a bolt of lightning.

Dahlia dove toward Loki and Jane and raise her hands, creating a barrier of red energy to shield them both from the blast.

When the dust cleared, Malekieth drew in the newly reassembled Aether and ordered his forces to attack, while he turned and made his way back to his ship with his kursed warrior. Thor began to knock them aside with his hammer, and Dahlia ran over to aid him, leaving Loki and Jane on the ground. Kursed tossed something at the two of them as they stood, and seeing it first Loki knocked Jane aside, allowing himself to be pulled into the blast.

" Thor." Dahlia cried and Thor threw himself at Loki before he could be drawn into the vortex. Once he was back on his feet, Thor took flight and launched himself at the fleeing dark elves, only to be knocked aside by Kursed, who charged him, giving Malekieth the chance he needed to escape. Kursed tried to crush Thor with a large boulder, succeeding in trapping him beneath the rubble. The large dark elf approached him, only to spin around as Thor's hammer flew toward him, knocking it into the hill side.

Nearby, Loki and Dahlia were making short work of the remaining dark elves, but only Loki saw the fight between Kursed and Thor. The distracted Dahlia turned only when she heard Thor cry out in anger and sorrow. An impaled Kurse had, stabbed Loki through the chest before casting him to the ground. Unknown to the monster, Loki had set off one of the grenades attached to Kursed's belt, sending him through a vortex a moment later.

Dahlia lost control of Aria's body and found her presence replaced by that of Chloe's who sprinted toward the two brothers. " No, no, no." Chloe denied as she came to a stop beside them. Tears streamed down her face as Loki spoke his final words before closing his eyes for the last time. " Loki." Chloe whispered, before she sank to the ground, losing all control over Aria's body, which dropped to the ground limply.

Inside Aria's mind, Chloe's heart was breaking as she cried out in sorrow. The first, and only man she had ever loved was gone. And she hadn't even gotten the chance to tell him.

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