My Friends

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They started to walk to the Castle Gates and when they reached there, there were so many heartless. It took them around 15 minutes to go and open the various gates and get into the waterway. Then they got to this massive door and opened it.

"Be on your guard, the all of you. They're close I can feel it." The Beast said as they entered a hall. They took a few steps forward until they heard something and they turned around. They saw a woman dresses in yellow she had pale skin and brown hair. "Belle?" The Beast asked and just when he was about to walk up to her, the Princess turned into a heartless.

It was very frightening and traumatising for Mai to see with her own eyes. The red haired teen screamed at this and Sora pulled her closer to him as he covered her eyes. She started to sob when she saw that and it was stuck to her mind. How the beautiful Princess turned into a small heartless was scary? She heard a roar, Kenji asking 'what's the hell was that?', and the slamming of doors and the girl started to shiver with fear. Sora patted her back and hushed her, telling his friend that everything was going to be okay and nothing like that would ever happen to her.

"Sora." They heard Riku's voice say and they pulled away. "Quit while you can."

"No, not without Kairi." Sora shouted.

"The darkness will destroy you!" Mai growled at Riku's comment, look who was talking. His whole outfit changed. She stood in front of Sora and interrupted him.

"The darkness may destroy someone's body but not their heart. As long as Sora has light in his heart, the darkness can never destroy him. But Kenji has been telling you that the darkness will destroy you! You try and listen sometime." She pointed at him.

"Stay out of this, this is me and Sora's fight." Riku said and she stood her ground.

"Not anymore! I'll fight alongside my friends." Mai's Vining Destiny appeared in her hand. "I won't just fight with my Keyblade; I'll fight with my heart."

"Are you serious Mai, with your heart? What will that weak little thing do for you?" Riku laughed and she glared at him.

"Although our hearts may be weak, they're not alone. They've grown with each new experience, and they've found a home with all the friends we've made. We've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of ours. And if they think of us now and then, if they don't forget us, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon, my friends are my power!" Sora got in his stance with the wooden sword.

"Return yourself to Sora!" She raised her hand and yelled. Sora's Keyblade sparkled and glowed as it disappeared from Riku's hand. It reappeared in Sora's hand again.

"I can't believe you're doing to me your best friend, out of all people." Riku mumbled and she frowned at this.

"No, you're wrong. The boy I met 10 years ago is long gone and replaced with the darkness. You leave me no choice Riku. You've done too much to me." She looked down and touched her heart. "But I'm not weak anymore!" She yelled as she ran towards him.

Sora started to run towards Riku, too, but Kenji stopped him, "No... This is Mai's fight..."

Sora gulped and watched their battle nervously.

They engaged in battle and for Mai it was really hard. There was so much darkness coming from him, it was unbelievable but she wasn't going to lose. Then all the moments of when she succeeded in life repeated in her mind and this gave her strength. Now it was Riku who was struggling and he skidded back when she swung her Keyblade at him. His clothes returned back to normal as he panted. The silver haired boy looked up at her and ran away. She gasped at this and was about to run after him but chose not to.

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