43 | Stephen Strange Catch Up (Part One)

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the sam catch-up is coming next !!!! and then it'll be your requests, my lovelies 💓💕❤️

- bella.



You love a lot of things about Stephen, but it was more touching him that was the best part. You love the grey streak in his hair, but more so, you love to run your fingers through it, your hands moving slowly up to the stray hairs that always seemed to curl onto his forehead.

You'd trace his cheekbones, and move down to the curve of his jawline, fingers delicately touching his lips as you remained utterly entranced with him. He simply held his breath, amazed that someone could love such simple things about him.


Stephen loves your intellect. He wouldn't even be able to survive if he was in a relationship with someone who couldn't challenge him; and you brought that challenge. You loved to prove him wrong, and reveal random facts to him on occasion. All he knew was that there was never a dull moment with you, and he appreciated that so much.


He thought it was daft. Tony had no place in meddling with his life at all; never mind his love life.

You had come into the picture a few months before with Stephen, owning the art gallery that was across from the building he protected. It started with giving him flyers to events because you'd seen him around, but pretty soon, the two of you became friends. You often talked about how pretentious the art world was (you thought so, even if you went into it), and after a while, he allowed you to snoop around his building, looking at the ancient artifacts. He was rather fond of you, really.

Tony decided that Stephen needed to take the next step, and actually ask you out. Stephen denied that you ever actually liked him, and Tony was not impressed. He said simply that the pamphlets for your events that were piling up on Stephen's entrance table begged to differ.

"You know what, Strange? If you don't go to this event, then I will. And if you think that I won't buy every single art work and proceed to have it shipped to this place, then I don't know," Tony mildly threatened, folding up his glasses so that he could hook them on his shirt.

"I'm not going. I went to enough of those things when I was surgeon," Stephen replied simply, not bothering to look up at the other man as he paged through the book in his hands.

Tony sighed, "She obviously wants you there. Just go, Stephen."

His eyes drifted up to Tony from what he was reading. "You'll stop bothering me incessantly? I'll actually be able to get work done?" He asked.

"Of course," Tony spread out his arms slightly, already smiling because of his win.

"Fine," Stephen conceded, snapping his book shut, pretending to be irritated with his friend.


Fiddling with the tie of his suit, Stephen stepped into the foyer of your bustling art gallery, peering around in hopes of spotting you. If he was being honest, you were the only reason he'd ever come to such a thing.

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