Chapter ten - Trust

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Niall's POV

I dragged my ass out of bed as I heard something fall in the kitchen, sounded like Liam's phone. I was still dead tired, but also knew my best mate needed me now. Harry got into the shower, trying to wake himself up a bit as I walked to the kitchen, finding Liam there on the floor, head in his hands, shaking violently.

I sat down next to him, pulling him close to me, not bothering with the tears that were running down his face, wetting my T-shirt.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back, just holding him, as there was nothing for me to say.

“Za... Zayn said he's gone off with an old mate.” he hiccuped. “An old mate Niall. It's all been useless!” a wail escaped from the back of his throat.

This was why I didn't want him to act on his saviour instincts, I hated to see him like this. Broken and shattered to pieces. I had seen this once before, when Nicola had overdosed and I had hoped it would've been the only time. I knew it was only a matter of time before he started blaming himself for it too, it was awful. 

My feet were sleeping as Harry walked into the kitchen, taking my place with Liam so I could have a shower and get the foul taste of beer out of my mouth. I wondered how something could taste so good in the evening and yet so horrible the next morning.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found Liam on the couch, still sobbing and shaking while Harry was at the stove, cooking us some breakfast. It was highly unlikely for Liam to want anything to eat, but still, we could try anyway.

Harry and I ate our eggs and bacon, as expected Liam refused his, and just sat with him, listening to his sobbing, taking turns in hugging and comforting him. Sometimes his sobbing would die down, his breathing still ragged, and it seemed like the crying had stopped, but soon enough another wail would follow and the sobbing would start all over again.

I didn't know how long we sat there, but my stomach was telling me it should be noon soon. Liam had finally drifted off to sleep, still shuddering now and then. He was pressed close to Harry's chest, his hands around Harry's waste and their legs an entangled mess.

Suddenly, a key was being shoved into the lock at the front door. Harry and I looked at each other, startled, soon hearing footsteps walking into the living room.

Louis' POV

“Hey guys! What's up?” I asked cheerily as I walked into the eerily silent living room.

Niall snorted. “What's up? Are you fucking kidding me Louis? I'm surprised you found your way back to the flat, really.”

Both his and Harry's eyes were shooting daggers at me, I didn't understand what was going on. Yes, of course, I got home rather late, but I had stayed over at Kevin's, since it had been 7 before we finally stopped talking, and by the way, I had thought about bringing some bread rolls and even freshly baked croissants. “What do you mean I found the way back to the flat?”

“Had fun with your old mate then?” he shot back, not even answering my question.

“Louis?” Liam's voice was weak and quivering, as if he had been crying.

I walked up to him, feeling how something cracked inside me as I saw his face, his eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying, his cheeks tear stained and his lips quivering as I put my hand up to his face. “Liam? What's going on?”

He flung himself into my arms, knocking me over as I was crouched next to the couch. “Oh Lou, at least you came back home.” he whispered, his voice cracking.

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