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"This is Natalie Davis here reporting the latest news on everything celebrities."

Winnie groaned and threw down a shirt into her open and unfinished suitcase the minute she heard the sound of the television get louder from her room.

She sighed heavily and stomped out of her room and into the living room to see her mother on the couch listening to E! News.

"Mom, why are you watching that mess?"

"I knew had heard that boys name before. . .," Elaine murmured softly as she paused the television and pointed at it with the remote. "That Bieber boy you told me about?"


Winnie creased her eyebrows and walked over to the back of the couch and saw her mom point at the television again with the remote seeing that she paused it on a picture of Justin reluctantly.

It had a recent picture of him dressed in an all black suit while he was talking on the phone leaving out of a building.

"Mom, what are they saying about him?"

"He's rich!"

No kidding, Winnie thought.

"Mom, press play."

Elaine pressed play and let the woman talk again as Winnie walked around the couch and sat down next to her mom and licked her lips.

"We just got word that the Millionaire Man is set to being going off the grid for the rest of the summer. He's recently bought out a beach house in Santa Monica, what we wanna know is. . .will our Million Dollar Man have any luck this summer having fun? If you know what I mean."

Winnie scrunched her face up and shook her head at the sound of Natalie's laugh making her take the remote from her mom's hands and turn the television off.

"Sure, baby, I was done anyway."

Winnie puffed out a breath and rubbed her temples. "I'm sorry. . .I just. . ."

"Baby, don't let that man distract you from your goals. That's not what your father would've wanted, you hear me?"

Winnie let her mother's words sink as she looked down at her lap. Elaine twisted her lips to the side and brought Winnie closer to her to rest her head on her chest while Winnie held onto her forearm.

"I miss him."

"I do too, baby. . .I do too."

Winnie and Elaine remained in their position for what seemed like forever before Elaine sniffed and rubbed Winnie's arm one last time.

"Baby, you need to finish packing."

"Right, it's almost time for my cab to come."

Winnie hopped up from the couch and fixed her clothes and dashed back into her bedroom to finish packing while Elaine sighed softly and turned the television back on.


The sound of a horn blowing made Winnie jump up from the kitchen table so fast that Elaine's eyes went wide as she stopped cooking.

"Winnie! Your food!"

"I'll take it to go!" Winnie shouted from her bedroom as she took her two black suitcases in her grasp and rolled them to the front door.

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