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Winnie sighed softly and looked up at the blank ceiling of Justin's bedroom, she couldn't sleep, maybe she had too much on her mind — or maybe it was the fact she wasn't comfortable in Justin's bed.

Winnie looked down at Justin's tattooed arm that was wrapped around her waist with her arm wrapped around his.

Winnie tilted her head so she could look over at Justin sleep, she hummed to herself as she looked at his facial features.

Justin's dirty blonde hair was scattered in different places, his eyelashes slightly moved along with his eyelids, and his mouth was slightly gaped open as the light snores escaped his lips.

Winnie smiled softly and took her index finger and let it softly run across his soft cheek as she rested her head back onto her pillow and watched Justin continue to sleep.

After a few more minutes of lying next to Justin in the bed, Winnie couldn't take it, she sighed softly and removed Justin's arm from her body and slipped out of his bed.

Walking around the bedroom, Winnie looked for her bra and panties and found them under the bed before slipping them on her body and putting on Justin's t-shirt.

Winnie then ran her hand down the side of her face and quietly left Justin's room and made her way downstairs and to the kitchen and got a glass out of the cabinet and poured herself a glass of water.

Winnie still couldn't believe it. She had lost her virginity just a few hours ago. It still felt so surreal to her, but she didn't regret anything, when she was with Justin it felt like most of her problems disappeared and most importantly their problems disappeared. It was crazy to think that they both started their relationship off an argument over who was buying the beach house to begin with.

Winnie snapped out of her thoughts and took another long sip of her water and licked her lips as she headed off and out of the kitchen to her bedroom.

Once she was in her bedroom, she drank a little bit more of her water and sat it down onto her nightstand and checked her digital clock to see it was 1 o'clock in the morning.

After lying in her bed for a few moments, she finally found herself getting comfortable again and being able to drift off to sleep in her own bed.

After what seemed like forever, Winnie heard a knock at her bedroom door making her shoot her eyes open and crease her eyebrows and look over to the digital clock and see it was almost 4 o'clock.

"What the hell. . ."

Winnie huffed and rolled out of bed and walked over to her bedroom door and opened it to see Justin leaning against the doorframe with his forearms on either side of the frame.

"Jay, what are you doing?"

"My bed companion got up in the middle of the night and left me, have you seen her?"

"I'm sorry. . .but it's not my fault my bed is more comfortable."

Justin rose an eyebrow. "Really?"


"Mind if I test out that theory?" Justin murmured lowly as he moved closer to Winnie and leaned his body off the doorframe and towered over Winnie.

"Not at all. . ."

Justin grinned and looked down at Winnie for one moment before bending down a bit and picking Winnie up to wrap her legs around his waist and carry her over to her bed with their lips never leaving each other's.

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