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Nyema POV

I jogged outside almost busting my ass because I was wearing flip flops. When I caught up to Keilani I grabbed her wrist. "Damn bitch slow down. Flip flops ain't no running shoes." I said trying to make her laugh but she remained upset. " So everybody telling me come over but not one person decided to tell me he would be here. Fa real." She said upset. I looked down at my toes knowing she was right. "But if we told you then you wouldn't have came. You would just stay in the house and mope around." I said quickly trying to justify the situation. She looked at me side ways. "Bitch and that's my damn right. My fucking brother is a boutta be laid to rest and not one of you BIRD ass niggas couldn't tell me that the main cause was here. My brother is dead Ny, so excuse me for moping. You of all people should fucking know how I feel right now." 

She was angry. Her face got all red and shit.  "And I do, it's ju- (gco). "How would you feel if I told the killer who offed your mom come shake your hand ?" she said. I squinted my eyes at her. "Let's get 2 things straight. You my friend and I love you so I'm not gonna spazz because I know you upset but i don't give a damn how upset you are. If you wanna keep ya teeth Keilani, never speak on my dead. Especially my mother. And secondly, you have a point so I apologize on behalf of everyone for not telling you that Jerry was coming."

She snapped her head up at me. "Never call him that again. It's not your place to do so. You call him Jeremiah." She said getting defensive. I put my hand up surrendering deciding to go against what I was gonna say because the way her thoughts all fucked up she can cut me off for the littlest things. She took a deep breath. "He killed my brother Ny." She said sighing and putting her head down. I sat on the curb next to her and hugged her tight. "To be honest girl all the things he used to do to you he only had it coming. The boys beat us to it. That karma shit ain't no joke. You'll be okay mamas. I promise. Now if you don't wanna come inside because you think it's too early to confront Jeremiah or anything it's fine if you go home. They will understand. 

Although, I will tell you that he is your best friend and this maybe hard right now but at some point, forgiving him will be your only option. That way you can be at peace with yourself. You know not talking to him is killing you, especially because he is the reason you feel how you feel right now. If anyone of us made you this upset you'd run to Jeremiah and talk about it but because it's him who did this, you don't know who to turn too. So once again you'll be okay, but just talk to him when you're ready. Try and see where his head at because right now he going through it too."

That caught her interest she looked up at me big eyed. "What can he possibly be upset about right now." I mugged her. "A lot actually he knows he fucked up and the thought that he may loose his best friend is fucking with his head. Stop being so one sided you think what he did only affected you and it didn't. Try and see from his point of view, that's why you so mad. Instead of blaming him understand him. You so busy being mad you don't notice that he now has to live with the weight of taking someone's life for YOUR benefit on his chest." I said. 

"I didn't ask him to fucking do that though. He fucked everything up by doing that." She said. "Okay but be honest what would you have done ? Tell the cops ? no. Tell your dad ? no. Tell one of us ? no. Only reason Jeremiah knew this happened is because he was on the phone. If it was up to you though, you wouldn't have said shit to anybody and just let it keep happening." I said. "His mom and him are on bad terms and he basically gonna be a nomad for the next couple of weeks.

(Nomad/Nomadic: someone who moves from place to place)

"He is sorry for what he did. You just need to put your pride aside and listen to why he did it." I know it may sound harsh but it's true. "I see where your loyalty lies." She mumbled. "Stfu right now. You know at the end of the day I will ride out for you hard as a bitch, so don't even think to play dat. It's just in this situation right here everyone talked to him and forgave him and tried to understand his mental at the time. It's just YOU who isn't doing that. And it's understandable because it's early. But the longer you hold these feelings in, then the worse it'll get."

She nodded and hugged me. "I'm sorry." She said and I pinched her cheek. "It's okay. Come on now get up." I said standing and extending my hand for her to grab. She took my hand and stood up looking at the house. "I think I'm gonna go home. I don't feel like partying and I just don't wanna be in Jerry- I mean Jeremiah's presence right now." I nodded understandingly and we hugged and started walking in different directions. "TEXT ME" I turned around and yelled. She put her thumb up as she kept walking. I walked back in the house and helped finish up setting up.

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