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Kei Pov

The girls were in the room with Tania, Shay and Vonte left, Vinnie was passed out in the guest room, his brother will be back for him in the morning. Jeremiah is in the living room and I am in Kyle's car. It was silent as I played with the ring on my finger. I slowly began to slide it off. "What you doin ?" Kyle asked lowly. I sniffled. "I'm not mad, I'm not gon cry, I'm not gon go bat shit crazy and fuck your car up or cuss you out and try to fight everyone and they mamas. I'm just going to ask you one question.... why ?" I looked at him as I placed the ring in it's box and put the box in the glove compartment. "Why do me like this Kyle ? I mean it's been 3 months but it feels like a hell of a lot more than that." I said sighing and running my hand down my face. Haven't I gone through enough already ?

"3 months isn't a lot but it's been the happiest I've been. It was the best 3 months of my life. I thought I finally found the one. You listened to all the shit I went through with Jeremiah and how bad it hurt me just to put me through it again ?" I said extremely hurt. I felt my eyes water and tears began to fall. "I thought you weren't gonna cry." he said. That's when I broke down. "I'm not crying because you cheated, I'm crying because I don't fucking deserve this. I didn't take care of you ? I didn't love you enough ? I didn't fuck you right ? my hair not curly enough ? my skin not light or dark enough ? my ass not fat ? what do these other bitches have on me ? what do they have or do that I don't ? Is there something wrong with me ? I don't get it we were good Kyle. We were good." I was so mad. He just sighed.

"There's nothing wrong with you. Don't think that because I ain't shit there's something lacking on your end. I love you and I appreciate you no matter how we walk away from this. I don't need to say I'm sorry because you know I am. Sorry won't change what I did. I cheated on you multiple times with multiple girls. As for why... I don't really have one reason but it's nothing you did that caused me to do what I did." He said. I let out a defeated chuckle. "I need some reason. some answers. Tell me something ! give me closure ! please." I begged. "Well for starters I got in my head. The main reason I cheated so much is because I thought you were gonna leave me for Jeremiah and I'd get my heart broken so I tried to prepare for a heart break that I now see was never coming. I was trying to give myself a reason for hurting you, I was getting ready to hurt you before you could hurt me..." He said. "Well congrats." I said.

"Why are you worried about Jeremiah I am with you aren't I ?" I asked. "Okay but Kei you can't tell me this whole time we have been together he has not crossed your mind once. No matter how much you try to deny it he still has your heart. I mean what he said about begging for him to be in your life... was it true." he asked. "Well I wasn't really begging, but I did ask for another chance. I told him we were together and that you were treating me better than he was and he said that I don't need him then. I am fine with you because you make me happy." I said. "I'm sorry." he said. "I thought you weren't gonna say that." I said. "Well I guess we both doing things we said we wouldn't." He said looking straight ahead. I sighed. "I'm not mad... I'm just.. shocked and hurt. I don't hate you. Although I hope it's very evident that this relationship is very much over."

He nodded. "Yeah I know. It was good while it lasted. I don't wanna lose you though." he said. "We can be friends, just not... right now. I need some time." I said and he nodded. I took a deep breath. I looked at him and kissed his cheek. He smiled small. "Goodnight Kyle." I said. "Goodnight Keilani." I smiled sweetly and hopped out the car. I watched as he pulled off then, I went back inside the house. I shut the door and leaned my back against it. After like 30 seconds I busted out crying. I wasn't gonna let Kyle see me ball my eyes out. I really thought I found love and someone to make me happy but it was all a facade. He listened to what I went through, put all this shit about treating me better in my head, just to fuck me over again. I slid my back down the door and put my head in my legs and hugged them and cried like a baby. I then felt a body sit next to me. I looked up and it was Jeremiah, I forgot he was here. "What are you still doing here ?" I asked him.

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